[teamList] call winCntr,710,600 'center, sizes statictext #rpt.st1, " League Division City Name Manager",0,0,700,20 listbox #rpt.lb,rptx$(, [teamListPrnt],0,20,700,560 Stylebits #rpt.lb, _LBS_NOSEL, 0, 0, 0 Stylebits #rpt, 0, _WS_MAXIMIZEBOX , 0, 0 open "LIST OF TEAMS - (click to print)" for dialog as #rpt #rpt, "trapclose [teamListExit]" #rpt, "font consolas 12 " 'fixed width font #rpt.lb, "singleclickselect" rptOpen=1 files path$, info$( fc = val(info$(0, 1)) for cf = 1 to fc foldName$ = info$(cf, 0) path2$ = foldName$ + "\aaaTeam.ini" open path2$ for input as #ini input #ini, teamLeague$, teamDivision$, teamCity$, teamName$, teamMgr$ close #ini rptx$(cf) = space$(6); tb$(teamLeague$,10); tb$(teamDivision$,10); tb$(teamCity$,12); _ tb$(teamName$,18); teamMgr$ next sort rptx$(), 1, fc ' sort to league, division #rpt.lb, "reload" wait [teamListPrnt] #rpt.lb, "selectindex 0" tlp$ = "No" ' default response prompt "Print this report?"+chr$(13)+"Yes or No"; tlp$ if left$(lower$(tlp$),1) <> "y" then wait [tlpLoop] gosub [tlpHdgs] for n = 1 to fc lprint rptx$(n) ' this is the key line: printing each entry in the listbox next dump wait [tlpHdgs] tlpPgCtr = tlpPgCtr + 1 lprint space$(20);"List of Teams as of ";date$();space$(10);"Page "; tlpPgCtr lprint lprint " League Division City Name Manager" return wait
open "Read Only Text Window" for text as #w hw = hwnd(#w) calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hw as ulong, _ _EM_SETREADONLY as long, 1 as long, 0 as long, r as long #w "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." wait