LB Booster
Programming >> Compatibility with LB4 >> Listbox and Combobox 'select' bug

Listbox and Combobox 'select' bug
Post by Richard Russell on Mar 21st, 2014, 9:31pm

I was today informed that LBB v2.52 has a bug in the way it handles the "select" command when sent to a LISTBOX or COMBOBOX. Instead of requiring an exact match with one of the existing strings, as it should do, it matches with any entry which begins with the specified string.

So for example if a Listbox contains the entries "Quick brown fox" and "Quick", in that order, sending the command "select Quick" causes the first entry to be selected rather than the second.

I have fixed this bug in version 2.53, which can be downloaded from the usual place:

The documentation (CHM file) has been modified so you will require admin privileges to run the program for the first time after upgrading.

I have taken the opportunity also to incorporate the features recently discussed which have been waiting in the wings: