[Start] cls:e=0:locate 2,7:print"Locate Auth......A" locate 2,9:print"Decode Call......D" locate 2,11:print"# to Exit" g$=input$(1):g$=lower$(g$):if g$=chr$(13) or g$="#" then cls:end if g$<>"a"and g$<>"d"then e=5 if e=5 then playwave"Chord.wav",async:goto [Start] if g$="d"then call Decode fn$:goto [Start] 'open fn$ for input as#1:input#1,i 'for y=1 to i:input#1,a$:a$(y)=a$:next:close #1 locate 2,2:print"Auth .....Choose up to Three" for y=1 to i:locate 2,y+3:print a$(y):next:print:print" Any Key for Menu" g$=input$(1):goto [Start]