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LBB and DLL's
Post by Alincon on Dec 16th, 2016, 5:55pm

I added a copy of LBtip.dll, that allows adding tool tips to programs, to the folder where I have LBB.exe

    open "LBtip.dll" for Dll as #tip
    Button #main.b00, "", FlowButton,  UL, 938, 150, 40, 30  
   hbutton1 = hwnd(#main.b00)
   tip$ = "Blank\Erase"
   calldll #tip, "SetTip", hbutton1 as ulong, tip$ as ptr, ret as void


The open dll seems to work, but the calls to the dll give a 'not found' error message.
Does this dll work with LBB?
Are adaptations required?

Re: LBB and DLL's
Post by Richard Russell on Dec 16th, 2016, 6:57pm

on Dec 16th, 2016, 5:55pm, Alincon wrote:
Does this dll work with LBB?

I've no idea. It's not mentioned at the DLLs compatible with LBB page, which suggests that nobody has tried it until now.

Why do you need a special DLL anyway? You can show ToolTips perfectly well by calling the appropriate Windows APIs directly (FreeForm does it, for example). I'm not enthusiastic about 'third party' DLLs that may be of dubious quality, especially if they are unnecessary.

I strongly recommend creating your tooltips using the official Windows API functions.

Re: LBB and DLL's
Post by Alincon on Dec 17th, 2016, 01:26am

The dll must be in the same folder as the program, not the LBB folder.
This is all the code needed to use the dll:
   open "LBtip.dll" for Dll as #tip
    for n = 0 to 5 
        v$ = "#main.b" + right$("0"+ str$(n),2)      
        hbutton = hwnd(#v$)
        tip$ = word$("Erase Process Alt-Process Decision Input-Output",n+1)
        calldll #tip, "SetTip", hbutton as ulong, tip$ as ptr, ret as void
   close #tip


Can you do it easier with your API calls?

Re: LBB and DLL's
Post by Richard Russell on Dec 17th, 2016, 08:21am

on Dec 17th, 2016, 01:26am, Alincon wrote:
Can you do it easier with your API calls?

Not easier, but that's not the point. Even if it's a little more complicated, the Windows API code only has to be written once, and put in a library. Then it's just as convenient to use as a third-party DLL, but without the dependence on code which isn't under your control and - as in this case seemingly - possibly not compatible with LBB.

I appreciate that LB4 doesn't support code libraries, which makes the re-use of BASIC code modules a little less convenient, but LBB does and Liberty BASIC Workshop does too so that's not an issue any more.

I suggest you open FreeForm404.bas or FreeForm450.bas (supplied with LB 4.04 and LB 4.5.0 respectively) and copy out the CreateToolTip and AddToolTip functions, which you can then either add to your own program or put in a library for convenient future re-use.


Re: LBB and DLL's
Post by Alincon on Dec 19th, 2016, 7:15pm

Is this what you are talking about? It does work in LBB.

SUB MakeTooltips hWin
        calldll #comctl32,"InitCommonControls", re as void
        calldll #user32, "GetWindowLongA", hWin as long, _GWL_HINSTANCE as long, hInstance as long
        calldll #user32, "CreateWindowExA", _WS_EX_TOPMOST as long,"tooltips_class32" as ptr, "" as ptr,_
            style as long, _CW_USEDEFAULT as long, _CW_USEDEFAULT as long, _CW_USEDEFAULT as long, _CW_USEDEFAULT as long,_
            hWin as long, 0 as long, hInstance as long, "" as ptr, hwndTT as long
        calldll #user32, "SetWindowPos", hwndTT as long,_HWND_TOPMOST as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, flags as long, r as long
        'create a struct for the tooltips:
        struct toolinfo, cbSize as long, uFlags as long, hWindow as long, uId as long, x as long, y as long, w as long, h as long, hInst as long, lpstrText$ as ptr
        toolinfo.cbSize.struct = len(toolinfo.struct)
        toolinfo.uFlags.struct = 1 Or 16
        toolinfo.hWindow.struct = hWin
    'Button Tooltip:
    tipData$ = "Erase Process Alt-Process Decision Input\Output Manual-Input Connector Delay\Wait Doc\Printer"
    tipData$ = tipData$ + " Start End Edit\Text Arrow Yes No Copy Paste File Disk Print"   

       for n = 0 to 19
        v$ = "#main.b" + right$("0"+ str$(n),2)         
        toolinfo.uId.struct = hwnd(#v$)
        toolinfo.lpstrText$.struct = word$(tipData$,n+1)
        calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hwndTT as long, 1028 as long, 0 as long, toolinfo as struct, re as long

   end sub
