Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by RNBW on Jul 21st, 2016, 5:04pm
The following code sets up a grid of textboxes. in columns 1 to 4 the text should be centred an in columns 5 to 9 only numbers 0 to 9 should be accepted and should be right justified.
This works in LB, but in LBB all textboxes are left justified and will accept any characters, so it would appear that Style is not being accepted.
' CREATE TEXTBOX GRID CreateTextboxAPI_Grid_6.bas
' modified from LB Newsletter API Corner
' with corrections by Cundo LB Conforum 19 July 2016
' Further modifications by RNBW 21 July 2016
MENU #1, "&File","&Read", [readIt],_
"E&xit", [quit]
WindowWidth = 1032 : WindowHeight = 350
UpperLeftX = INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)
UpperLeftY = INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)
' -------------------------------------------------
OPEN "API Textbox Grid" FOR WINDOW AS #1
PRINT #1, "trapclose [quit]"
' Set up the Textbox Styles as Global
Global Style, Style1
'vPos = 40 :
rowHigh = 20
' Set up the grid
DIM hT(5,9)
for row = 1 to 5
for col = 1 to 9
select case col
'First column (Reference)
case 1: xPos = 0 : width = 65
'Second Column (Description)
case 2: xPos = 65 : width = 380
'Columns 3 to 8
case 3,4,5,6,7,8: xPos = col*65+(445-65*3) : width = 65
' Column 9 (Total)
case 9: xPos = (65+380)+(col-3)*65 : width = 75
end select
if col < 5 then
end if
hT(row,col) = CreateTextbox(hwnd(#1),xPos + 20,row*rowHigh-rowHigh + rowHigh*2,width+1,rowHigh+1,Style)
next col
next row
handle = GetFocus()
txt$ = GetWindowText$( handle )
' Get the focus in the Texbox
Function GetFocus()
CALLDLL #user32, "GetFocus",_
GetFocus AS uLONG
END Function
' Set the focus in the Texbox
SUB SetFocus hWnd
CALLDLL #user32, "SetFocus",_
hWnd AS uLONG,_
result AS LONG
'Get the text entered into the Textbox
FUNCTION GetWindowText$(hWnd)
total = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd)
Title$ = SPACE$(total) + CHR$(0): l= LEN(Title$)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowTextA",_
hWnd AS uLONG,_
Title$ AS PTR,_
result AS LONG
GetWindowText$ = TRIM$(Title$)
'Get the length of the text entered into Textbox
FUNCTION GetWindowTextLength(hW)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowTextLengthA",_
GetWindowTextLength AS LONG
' Function to create Textbox
FUNCTION CreateTextbox(hW, x, y, w, h, Style)
hInst = GetWindowLong(hW, _GWL_HINSTANCE)
CALLDLL #user32, "CreateWindowExA",_
"" AS PTR,_
Style AS LONG,_
hInst AS LONG,_
CreateTextbox AS uLONG
FUNCTION GetWindowLong(hW, type)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowLongA", _
type AS LONG,_
GetWindowLong AS LONG
Has anyone any ideas?
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Jul 21st, 2016, 9:41pm
on Jul 21st, 2016, 5:04pm, RNBW wrote:This works in LB, but in LBB all textboxes are left justified and will accept any characters, so it would appear that Style is not being accepted. |
You say it works in LB? It shouldn't - the code is seriously broken!
The main problem is that immediately after receiving the Style value in the CreateTextbox subroutine (it is passed as the last parameter) you replace it with a different value:
Code:FUNCTION CreateTextbox(hW, x, y, w, h, Style)
Obviously this means that whatever style value is passed to the subroutine is completely ignored, and the new style used instead. So the reason you never see the ES_CENTER, ES_RIGHT or ES_NUMBER bits take effect is that they don't go anywhere, you overwrite them.
Another fault is that having passed the Style value as a parameter to the subroutine you do not need to (and should not) also make it GLOBAL. You should decide whether you want to pass the value as a parameter (usually the better way) or by making it a global (usually not preferred) and stick to one or the other method. In fact LBB will work if you pass a global as a parameter, but LB breaks if you try to do that (it's a documented bug).
Here's the program with the two faults corrected (Style no longer GLOBAL, and the passed Style parameter not immediately replaced by a different value):
' CREATE TEXTBOX GRID CreateTextboxAPI_Grid_6.bas
' modified from LB Newsletter API Corner
' with corrections by Cundo LB Conforum 19 July 2016
' Further modifications by RNBW 21 July 2016
MENU #1, "&File","&Read", [readIt],_
"E&xit", [quit]
WindowWidth = 1032 : WindowHeight = 350
UpperLeftX = INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)
UpperLeftY = INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)
' -------------------------------------------------
OPEN "API Textbox Grid" FOR WINDOW AS #1
PRINT #1, "trapclose [quit]"
' Set up the Textbox Styles as Global
' Global Style, Style1
'vPos = 40 :
rowHigh = 20
' Set up the grid
DIM hT(5,9)
for row = 1 to 5
for col = 1 to 9
select case col
'First column (Reference)
case 1: xPos = 0 : width = 65
'Second Column (Description)
case 2: xPos = 65 : width = 380
'Columns 3 to 8
case 3,4,5,6,7,8: xPos = col*65+(445-65*3) : width = 65
' Column 9 (Total)
case 9: xPos = (65+380)+(col-3)*65 : width = 75
end select
if col < 5 then
end if
hT(row,col) = CreateTextbox(hwnd(#1),xPos + 20,row*rowHigh-rowHigh + rowHigh*2,width+1,rowHigh+1,Style)
next col
next row
handle = GetFocus()
txt$ = GetWindowText$( handle )
' Get the focus in the Texbox
Function GetFocus()
CALLDLL #user32, "GetFocus",_
GetFocus AS uLONG
END Function
' Set the focus in the Texbox
SUB SetFocus hWnd
CALLDLL #user32, "SetFocus",_
hWnd AS uLONG,_
result AS LONG
'Get the text entered into the Textbox
FUNCTION GetWindowText$(hWnd)
total = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd)
Title$ = SPACE$(total) + CHR$(0): l= LEN(Title$)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowTextA",_
hWnd AS uLONG,_
Title$ AS PTR,_
result AS LONG
GetWindowText$ = TRIM$(Title$)
'Get the length of the text entered into Textbox
FUNCTION GetWindowTextLength(hW)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowTextLengthA",_
GetWindowTextLength AS LONG
' Function to create Textbox
FUNCTION CreateTextbox(hW, x, y, w, h, Style)
hInst = GetWindowLong(hW, _GWL_HINSTANCE)
CALLDLL #user32, "CreateWindowExA",_
"" AS PTR,_
Style AS LONG,_
hInst AS LONG,_
CreateTextbox AS uLONG
FUNCTION GetWindowLong(hW, type)
CALLDLL #user32, "GetWindowLongA", _
type AS LONG,_
GetWindowLong AS LONG
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by RNBW on Jul 22nd, 2016, 2:07pm
on Jul 21st, 2016, 9:41pm, Richard Russell wrote:You say it works in LB? It shouldn't - the code is seriously broken!
The main problem is that immediately after receiving the Style value in the CreateTextbox subroutine (it is passed as the last parameter) you replace it with a different value:
Code:FUNCTION CreateTextbox(hW, x, y, w, h, Style)
OR _WS_VISIBLE Obviously this means that whatever style value is passed to the subroutine is completely ignored, and the new style used instead. So the reason you never see the ES_CENTER, ES_RIGHT or ES_NUMBER bits take effect is that they don't go anywhere, you overwrite them.
Another fault is that having passed the Style value as a parameter to the subroutine you do not need to (and should not) also make it GLOBAL. You should decide whether you want to pass the value as a parameter (usually the better way) or by making it a global (usually not preferred) and stick to one or the other method. In fact LBB will work if you pass a global as a parameter, but LB breaks if you try to do that (it's a documented bug).
Richard |
You are absolutely correct in everything you say. Believe it or not, the code you provided is almost the same as one of the early options I tried, but LB threw up an error on _ES_CENTRE (by process of elimination from the whole Style parameters). That's when I moved on to the code that gave me a solution in LB. It does work in both LB 4.04 and 4.5. I know it shouldn't but I was getting desperate. Hence also the introduction of Global, which i tried both in the Function CreateTextbox() and outside it.
I can't explain why my earlier tries didn't work, but I'm pleased to say that your code does work both in LBB and LB and I am grateful to you for that.
I will post the corrected code on LB Conforums, with appropriate credit to yourself.
Thank you
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Jul 22nd, 2016, 3:30pm
on Jul 22nd, 2016, 2:07pm, RNBW wrote:LB threw up an error on _ES_CENTRE (by process of elimination from the whole Style parameters). That's when I moved on to the code that gave me a solution in LB. |
The moral is: don't try to fix faults by trial and error! If something doesn't work, figure out why it doesn't work and correct whatever the mistake is. Randomly altering the code in the hope that it might help (such as making something GLOBAL when clearly it doesn't need to be) is a recipe for problems - and that's what you got.
You are not alone in automatically assuming that LBB is at fault when something doesn't work. Despite the fact that I have more than 40 years programming experience, and am a professional engineer with formal qualifications, many people are of the opinion that LBB is a 'toy' product and that LB is the 'real thing'.
M.A. C.Eng. M.I.E.T.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by RNBW on Jul 22nd, 2016, 6:57pm
Hi Richard
I am a great supporter of LBB and use it by default. I didn't post the code believing that LBB was at fault, because I am well aware off the pedigree of BBC Basic that supports LBB. I was sure that your expertise, as usual, would put me right, which it did.
I have posted the corrected code on LB Conforums.
Thanks again for your help.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by SarmedNafi on Jul 23rd, 2016, 03:22am
Dear Ray,
One day we were playing a game, me and my nephew, the moment he came back from school, I said come take this game from me and cousin don't go in this street you will spend two hours then you will find it close. He was smarter than me, he was always found us solutions to save our life (inside games).
After a quarter of an hour I came to found him inside all dirty of that street!
In general the humans by native were not able to take experience from others.
I think a grid built either by normal text boxes or by LBB loop or by one line of normal text boxes then passed to multi column ListBox are better a thousand times than a grid of API. I think you are going to west many years of your life.
Please reconsider this matter.
With all respects
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by RNBW on Jul 23rd, 2016, 09:05am
on Jul 23rd, 2016, 03:22am, SarmedNafi wrote:Dear Ray,
One day we were playing a game, me and my nephew, the moment he came back from school, I said come take this game from me and cousin don't go in this street you will spend two hours then you will find it close. He was smarter than me, he was always found us solutions to save our life (inside games). After a quarter of an hour I came to found him inside all dirty of that street! In general the humans by native were not able to take experience from others. I think a grid built either by normal text boxes or by LBB loop or by one line of normal text boxes then passed to multi column ListBox are better a thousand times than a grid of API. I think you are going to west many years of your life. Please reconsider this matter.
With all respects Sarmed |
You misunderstand my reasons for investigating using the Windows API.
If you look back through LB and LBB postings you will find that I tried to develop a grid using textboxes in LB Conforums. Without moving into the realms of graphics and other devious means involving lots of code, this could not be done because of the way LB used manhandled. Richard Russell kindly put me right providing examples of how it was done using LBB.
Since then, I have been developing code using Freebasic and in particular using a library,, which is based on the Windows GUI. It is a simple library and is aimed at providing only the basics of editboxes, statictext, listboxes, menus, and the like. This suits my purpose.
Having progressed this, my challenge was to produce a grid based on simple Windows and using simple code in LB to get over the problem. I have also thought about developing a dll. It is early days yet, but it it's coming along. At the moment I can produce a flexible grid using LB. I am now working on how to extract and manipulate data entered into the grid and producing the functions to do so. All it is, is a challenge, which to me is what coding is all about.
What would I use by choice. LBB. It is simple and, unlike LB, the code is simple and concise, but just producing a grid is no longer a challenge and I have moved on from that.
I shall continue with my challenge with LB until it is either completed or I can't progress it further. In my retirement I have the time. The question is do I have the expertise?
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Jul 23rd, 2016, 09:59am
on Jul 23rd, 2016, 09:05am, RNBW wrote:You misunderstand my reasons for investigating using the Windows API... my challenge was to produce a grid based on simple Windows and using simple code in LB to get over the problem. |
Having designed LBB to overcome the problem of creating controls in a loop, there is a degree of frustration in seeing workarounds still being developed for LB (and then having them posted in this forum because they don't work in LBB!).
If LB was more competently implemented I could understand why people might not want to 'burn their boats' by committing to LBB. But really LB (4.04, and even more so 4.5.0) is awful! The slowness, the bloat, the bugs, the incompatibility with DEP, the insecurity - for me these and other shortcomings far outweigh loyalty to Carl Gundel (which I don't think he deserves anyway).
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by RNBW on Jul 23rd, 2016, 11:55am
on Jul 23rd, 2016, 09:59am, Richard Russell wrote:Having designed LBB to overcome the problem of creating controls in a loop, there is a degree of frustration in seeing workarounds still being developed for LB (and then having them posted in this forum because they don't work in LBB!).
If LB was more competently implemented I could understand why people might not want to 'burn their boats' by committing to LBB. But really LB (4.04, and even more so 4.5.0) is awful! The slowness, the bloat, the bugs, the incompatibility with DEP, the insecurity - for me these and other shortcomings far outweigh loyalty to Carl Gundel (which I don't think he deserves anyway).
Richard. |
The reason I did what I did was because I saw code produced by Cundo on a grid of textboxes, which whilst it did the job, produced what I considered a more complicated way off achieving the result. Because I normally work with LBB, I tried the code on LBB and it didn't work. I their posted the code on LBB and you corrected it. Your corrections were very much on lines I had tried earlier but showed up errors in LB. Having previously posted the code on LB (which strangely did work), I felt it only right to post correct code.
I have been working for several weeks on Freebasic, helping the author of (a Windows API library that can only be used for simple code - we know there are things not technically correct). Having gained this knowledge, I wanted to see if I could use it to get over some of LB's problems. You did it with LBB. Surely I should be able to do it for a particular problem also.
I am progressing it slowly. It might work. It might not.
I don't intend to use it on a permanent basis. I use LBB and see no reason to revert to LB, which doesn't provide me with the solutions I want. I will continue to use LBB, which is superior to LB in most respects. In particular, it is supported by BBC Basic that is known to be stable and more powerful than LB. It is also relatively bug free and bugs are quickly resolved (these are few and far between).
As I said, it it's a challenge to me. As always I am grateful for the help you have provided. I know how you feel about LB and it's administrators (language and forum). You could always release a new language based on LBB and BBC Basic and I am aware of some of the reasons that you don't.
My actions are not intended to be critical of LBB, yourself and all others who support LBB.
Rant over. I'm going back to watching the cricket. Woakes has just lost his wicket caught and bowled for 58.
LBB for ever!
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by CryptoMan on Aug 16th, 2016, 9:14pm
This is a very nice grid.
However, in order make it more usable it should move to the next cell with a TAB or with ENTER key, and able to navigate with arrow keys.
How can we do this?
Earlier grid examples was able to do this.
I remember making a grid on LB very painfully. This looks quite elegant in coding.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 16th, 2016, 11:39pm
on Aug 16th, 2016, 9:14pm, CryptoMan wrote:However, in order make it more usable it should move to the next cell with a TAB or with ENTER key, and able to navigate with arrow keys. How can we do this? |
I would prefer not to discuss the LB-compatible approach here. LBB has a much easier way of creating grids of controls so can we please concentrate on that.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 17th, 2016, 8:42pm
This code works to create grids of textboxes for one window, but I want to generalize, and use it for several windows.
But it seems that the actual window name is required in the three statements containing "tmp".
Is there any way around this?
call tbNumberCG "#cogs.tb", 6,185,40,10,60,25
sub tbNumberCG x$,lmt,j,k,l,m,n
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = x$ + "0"+right$(str$(x),2)
textbox #cogs.tmp, j, (k*x)+l0, m, n
stylebits #cogs.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #cogs.tmp, var$
next x
end sub
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 17th, 2016, 10:51pm
on Aug 17th, 2016, 8:42pm, Alincon wrote:But it seems that the actual window name is required in the three statements containing "tmp". Is there any way around this? |
In just the same way as you initially give your controls the same temporary name (later using maphandle to change them to the required names) you can initially give your multiple windows the same temporary name too! That should hopefully solve your problem, because now the window name you specify in your sub can be the same for all the windows. Something like this:
Code: call tbNumberCG "#cogs", 6,185,40,10,60,25
open "Window 1 (#cogs)" for window as #tmp
maphandle #tmp, #cogs
call tbNumberCG "#wheel", 6,185,40,10,60,25
open "Window 2 (#wheel)" for window as #tmp
maphandle #tmp, #wheel
#cogs.tb03 "Hello "
#wheel.tb04 "world!"
sub tbNumberCG x$,lmt,j,k,l,m,n
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = x$ + ".tb0" + right$(str$(x),2)
textbox #tmp.tmp, j, (k*x)+l0, m, n
stylebits #tmp.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #tmp.tmp, var$
next x
end sub
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 18th, 2016, 01:48am
So the one maphandle statement takes care of several textboxes?
(the '6' in the call statement below is the count of textboxes)
call tbNumberCG "#cogs", 6,185,40,10,60,25
open "Window 1 (#cogs)" for window as #tmp
maphandle #tmp, #cogs
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 18th, 2016, 09:37am
on Aug 18th, 2016, 01:48am, Alincon wrote:So the one maphandle statement takes care of several textboxes? |
No, in LBB each maphandle affects only one window or control. That's why maphandle is called 14 times in all in the code I listed (once for each textbox and once for each window).
Did you not run the code I listed? Unlike your snippet, mine was a complete self-contained program: I always prefer that complete programs be posted, rather than extracts that don't actually do anything in isolation.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 18th, 2016, 2:21pm
I meant to ask if only one maphandle statement was required for each window, after the maphandle statements for the individual controls for that window were done.
I think I've got it now.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 18th, 2016, 2:28pm
I also wanted to show this code that creates either one or two rows of four textboxes
for x = 1 to 4 + (4 * (filStat = 2))
a$ = "0" + str$(x)
var$ = "#ssb.tb" + a$
textbox #ssb.tmp, 200 + (100 * (x > 4)), (30*x)+30 - (120 * (x > 4)), 60, 25
stylebits #ssb.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #ssb.tmp, var$
next x
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 18th, 2016, 2:54pm
It appears that the 'window' maphandle command must occur before any other controls are created - is that right?
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 18th, 2016, 4:21pm
on Aug 18th, 2016, 2:54pm, Alincon wrote:It appears that the 'window' maphandle command must occur before any other controls are created - is that right? |
The 'window' MAPHANDLE must come after the OPEN, whereas all the controls for that window must be created before the OPEN (this is the case in LB and LBB); so I'm not really following what you mean. If by "other" controls you mean controls which aren't shared between multiple windows, here's an example (I've added a checkbox to window 2):
Code: call tbNumberCG "#cogs", 6,185,40,10,60,25
open "Window 1 (#cogs)" for window as #tmp
maphandle #tmp, #cogs
call tbNumberCG "#wheel", 6,185,40,10,60,25
checkbox #tmp.cb, "Checkbox", [], [], 185, 275, 100, 25
open "Window 2 (#wheel)" for window as #tmp
maphandle #tmp.cb, #wheel.cb
maphandle #tmp, #wheel
#cogs.tb03 "Hello "
#wheel.tb04 "world!"
#wheel.cb "set"
sub tbNumberCG x$,lmt,j,k,l,m,n
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = x$ + ".tb0" + right$(str$(x),2)
textbox #tmp.tmp, j, (k*x)+l0, m, n
stylebits #tmp.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #tmp.tmp, var$
next x
end sub
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 18th, 2016, 11:41pm
The 'window' maphandle must be AFTER the window is open! That's what I missed. Thanks.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 19th, 2016, 12:37am
Please look at this code. (It is a complete program.)
WindowWidth = 380 : WindowHeight = 450
'putting the two commands in this locations works
call tbNumberCG "#cogs.tb", 6,185,40,10,60,25
maphandle #dmy, #cogs
statictext #cogs.statictext3, "Starting Inventory", 65, 50, 102, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext9, "Purchases", 100, 90, 64, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext12, "Cost of Labor", 80, 130, 99, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext15, "Materials, Supplies", 40, 170, 123, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext18, "Other Costs", 90, 210, 90, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext21, "Ending Inventory", 65, 250, 120, 20
statictext #cogs.statictext8, "C O G S", 105, 290, 99, 20
statictext #cogs.cogs, "0", 185, 290, 60, 25
'putting the two commands in this location, the statictexts do not show up
' call tbNumberCG "#cogs.tb", 6,185,40,10,60,25
' maphandle #dmy, #cogs
button #cogs.buOkay, " Accept ",[cogsAccept],UL,185,330
button #cogs.buExit, " End ",[cogsEnd],UL,185,370
Stylebits #cogs.buClear, 0, _WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0
stylebits #cogs, _DS_CENTER,0,0,0
open "COST OF GOODS SOLD: " + businessPropName$ for dialog_modal as #cogs
#cogs, "trapclose [cogsClose]"
#cogs, "font ms_sans_serif 10"
'putting this command here does not work - the textboxes do not show up
' maphandle #dmy, #cogs
#cogs.tb01, "!setfocus"
sub tbNumberCG x$,lmt,j,k,l,m,n
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = x$ + "0"+right$(str$(x),2)
textbox #dmy.tmp, j, (k*x)+l0, m, n
stylebits #dmy.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #dmy.tmp, var$
next x
end sub
close #cogs
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 19th, 2016, 08:57am
on Aug 19th, 2016, 12:37am, Alincon wrote:Please look at this code. |
You have put the window's MAPHANDLE before the OPEN (I explicitly told you that it must go after the OPEN). If it works it's only 'by accident' and I don't guarantee it will be reliable (LBB was not designed to support that method, and it won't work at all in LB).
I presume the reason you did it that way is that by doing so you save a lot of MAPHANDLE statements. I can see why that would be tempting, but by using undocumented features of the language you risk your code failing in the future.
So obviously it's up to you how you write your own programs but here is the code modified to work the way my example showed and the way LBB was designed to support (it uses more MAPHANDLEs than yours):
Code: nomainwin
WindowWidth = 380 : WindowHeight = 450
' it makes no difference whether you call the sub before the other controls:
call tbNumberCG "#cogs.tb", 6,185,40,10,60,25
statictext #dmy.statictext3, "Starting Inventory", 65, 50, 102, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext9, "Purchases", 100, 90, 64, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext12, "Cost of Labor", 80, 130, 99, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext15, "Materials, Supplies", 40, 170, 123, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext18, "Other Costs", 90, 210, 90, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext21, "Ending Inventory", 65, 250, 120, 20
statictext #dmy.statictext8, "C O G S", 105, 290, 99, 20
statictext #dmy.cogs, "0", 185, 290, 60, 25
' or whether you call the sub after the other controls:
' call tbNumberCG "#cogs.tb", 6,185,40,10,60,25
button #dmy.buOkay, " Accept ",[cogsAccept],UL,185,330
button #dmy.buExit, " End ",[cogsEnd],UL,185,370
Stylebits #dmy.buClear, 0, _WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0
stylebits #dmy, _DS_CENTER,0,0,0
open "COST OF GOODS SOLD: " + businessPropName$ for dialog_modal as #dmy
' In LBB you need one MAPHANDLE per control:
maphandle #dmy.statictext3, #cogs.statictext3
maphandle #dmy.statictext9, #cogs.statictext9
maphandle #dmy.statictext12, #cogs.statictext12
maphandle #dmy.statictext15, #cogs.statictext15
maphandle #dmy.statictext18, #cogs.statictext18
maphandle #dmy.statictext21, #cogs.statictext21
maphandle #dmy.statictext8, #cogs.statictext8
maphandle #dmy.buOkay, #cogs.buOkay
maphandle #dmy.buExit, #cogs.buExit
maphandle #dmy.cogs, #cogs.cogs
' The window's MAPHANDLE goes after the OPEN:
maphandle #dmy, #cogs
#cogs, "trapclose [cogsClose]"
#cogs, "font ms_sans_serif 10"
#cogs.tb01, "!setfocus"
sub tbNumberCG x$,lmt,j,k,l,m,n
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = x$ + "0"+right$(str$(x),2)
textbox #dmy.tmp, j, (k*x)+l0, m, n
stylebits #dmy.tmp, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
maphandle #dmy.tmp, var$
next x
end sub
close #cogs
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by tsh73 on Aug 19th, 2016, 09:25am
please ask your question.
I have looked your code; so what?
Now how I understand it: (I could be wrong of cource)
problem to be solved:
need to create controls in a loop. This needs some window handle.
Richard's way in Rep#18:
you use #tmp everythere creating all the controls
and it doesn't matter where you create controls in a loop - before or after statictext creted manually
you use maphandle on controls created in a loop
after opening window, you MAPHANDLE it too
Afther you happily use new handle(s).
Now what you've done:
you create controls (in a loop ) for #dmy window,
and MAPHANDLE them to #cogs
then maphandle #dmy, #cogs (without #dmy existing!)
then keep adding controls to #cogs
And it seems working.
Ok, great - it works so use it.
But then it happens that something breaks if your move "maphandle #dmy, #cogs" to different place
- well, noone promised you it will work. Supported approach is in reply #18, use it, and MAPHANDLE window after opening.
Just my 0.02$
EDIT of course ninja'd by Richard ;)
I think if you are not going to change statictext you don't need any of
Code:maphandle #dmy.statictext3
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 19th, 2016, 2:43pm
on Aug 19th, 2016, 09:25am, tsh73 wrote:I think if you are not going to change statictext you don't need any of Code:maphandle #dmy.statictext3 |
Very good point! Indeed (and this is true in LB as well) if you don't need to access the control after the window is created you don't even need to give it an 'extension':
Code: statictext #w, "Static, unchanging, text", 10, 10, 200, 25
open "Test" for window as #w
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 19th, 2016, 4:20pm
I am not trying to break any rules or use undocumented features.
Certainly Richard, as the creator of LBB, knows more about it than I.
tsh73 is also a respected programmer in both LB and LBB.
I do not wish to argue with or upset either one.
Nevertheless, the code I showed earlier works as the included comments state, at least on my machine.
I understood Richard's insistence that the 'window' maphandle instruction should be placed AFTER the open statement.
But, in my code, on my machine, that just does not work.
The only combination that does work on my machine is to place the call to the sub, and the 'windows' maphandle command BEFORE the statictext items, and BEFORE the 'open' statement.
"Your results may differ"
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by tsh73 on Aug 19th, 2016, 5:57pm
line by line:
Quote:I am not trying to break any rules or use undocumented features. |
I myself see nothing bad in using undocumented features. If they work, that is.
Quote:I do not wish to argue with or upset either one. |
This is programmer's forum. People come not to quarrel, but to help. (ideally it is)
Quote:I understood Richard's insistence that the 'window' maphandle instruction should be placed AFTER the open statement. But, in my code, on my machine, that just does not work. |
You agree that Richard likely "knows more about it"
But following his advice "just does not work."
I see two possible reasons:
1) somewhere you made a mistake in coding. It happens. You might find it. If you post more code, we might help you (or might not).
2) your code is correct but there is an error in LBB. In this case, Richard probably very interested in finding it out . But he would needs an example that shows this error - that is, your code.
Now, if you interested in finding things out, post your code that didn't work.
If you found a way around it and don't mind leaving this mystery - use your workaround.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 19th, 2016, 6:44pm
on Aug 19th, 2016, 4:20pm, Alincon wrote:The only combination that does work on my machine is to place the call to the sub, and the 'windows' maphandle command BEFORE the statictext items, and BEFORE the 'open' statement. |
So, are you saying that the code I most recently listed (which follows all my recommendations, including putting the 'maphandle' AFTER the 'open') does not work on your PC? If so in what way doesn't it work? What precisely happens?
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Alincon on Aug 21st, 2016, 01:35am
Richard's code works on my machine and produces the same result as my code, which works and is shorter.
My whole reason for using maphandle is to avoid coding a stylebits command for every textbox to limit characters to numbers since LBB cannot do this: (it works in LB)
for x = 1 to lmt
var$ = pfx$+right$("0"+str$(x),2)
stylebits #var$, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
I'm thinking now that requiring so many commands to use maphandle is more trouble than coding all the stylebits commands.
regards, r.m.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 21st, 2016, 09:28am
on Aug 21st, 2016, 01:35am, Alincon wrote:Richard's code works on my machine and produces the same result as my code, which works and is shorter. |
Yours may be a little shorter, but it relies on undocumented behavior. It's up to you whether you want to take the risk.
Quote:LBB cannot do this: (it works in LB) |
Hmm, interesting! That's an incompatibility I was unaware of: I didn't know that LB 4 would accept a handle variable in a STYLEBITS statement. I'll try to fix this in a future release of LBB (it could only work if the STYLEBITS comes after the TEXTBOX).
Quote:I'm thinking now that requiring so many commands to use maphandle is more trouble than coding all the stylebits commands. |
I would still expect the LBB solution to be shorter, because you can create the controls in a loop (and put the STYLEBITS in the loop), something that you cannot do in LB:
LB solution (STYLEBITS in a loop) Code: textbox #w.tb01, 10, 10, 100, 25
textbox #w.tb02, 10, 40, 100, 25
textbox #w.tb03, 10, 70, 100, 25
textbox #w.tb04, 10, 100, 100, 25
textbox #w.tb05, 10, 130, 100, 25
textbox #w.tb06, 10, 160, 100, 25
for x = 1 to 6
var$ = "#w.tb0" + right$(str$(x),2)
stylebits #var$, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
next x
open "Test" for dialog as #w
LBB solution (using MAPHANDLE) Code: for x = 1 to 6
textbox #w.tb, 10, x*30-20, 100, 25
stylebits #w.tb, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0
var$ = "#w.tb0" + right$(str$(x),2)
maphandle #w.tb, var$
next x
open "Test" for dialog as #w
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by CryptoMan on Aug 21st, 2016, 4:34pm
What I am missing in LB and LBB is using arrays on these and also passing arrays and structs to SUBs and FUNCTIONs and returning ARRAYSs or STRUCTs. And ARRAYS of STRUCTS. And STRUCTS like PASCAL and C.
Is this too difficult to implement in LBB?
Ofcourse, it will not be compatible with LBB but if anybody wants to use a SUPER LB can use it with LBB.
What stops us from
textbox #w.tb[i], 10, x*30-20, 100, 25 ?
I realize that this MAPHANDLE emulates this objective quite elegantly but why not arrays?
Or, like create a syntax like this but hidden in the BBC conversion translate it into MAPHANDLEs behind the scene.
Maybe, too much stunt?
But, I really liked the MAPHANDLE trick. Quite awesome.
Re: Grid of Textboxes using Windows API
Post by Richard Russell on Aug 21st, 2016, 5:24pm
on Aug 21st, 2016, 4:34pm, CryptoMan wrote:Is this too difficult to implement in LBB? |
Two of the features you asked for are already implemented (and documented) in LBB: passing arrays into SUBs and FUNCTIONs, and arrays of STRUCTS:
Passing Arrays Code: dim MyArray$(100)
MyArray$(50) = "Fifty"
call MySub MyArray$()
dummy = MyFunc(MyArray$())
sub MySub localarray1$()
print localarray1$(50)
end sub
function MyFunc(localarray2$())
print localarray2$(50)
end function
Array of Structures Code: struct MyStructArray(100) one as long, two as ptr, three as char[13]
MyStructArray(50).three.struct = "Hello world!"
print MyStructArray(50).three.struct