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 thread  Author  Topic: physics sims  (Read 482 times)
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Gender: Male
Posts: 111
xx physics sims
« Thread started on: May 2nd, 2016, 08:59am »

first a bouncing bal

global b.x , b.y , b.r , b.dx , b.dy , b.kl$
WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , g
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
g = 0.1
b.r = 30
b.x = b.r
b.y = b.r + 50
b.dx = 5
b.kl$ = "red"
open "Physics sim" for graphics as #m
  #m "trapclose [quit]"
  #m "when characterInput [key]"
  #m "setfocus"
  timer 40 , [timer]
  #m "fill white"
  #m "goto " ; b.x ; " " ; b.y
  #m "color " ; b.kl$
  #m "backcolor " ; b.kl$
  #m "down"
  #m "circlefilled " ; b.r
  #m "up"
  #m "goto 0 " ; winy - 100
  #m "down"
  #m "backcolor green"
  #m "boxfilled " ; winx ; " " ; winy
  #m "up"
  if b.x < b.r then
    b.dx = abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.x > winx - b.r then
    b.dx = 0-abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.y < b.r then
    b.dy = abs( b.dy )
  end if
  if b.y > winy - b.r - 100 then
    b.dy = 0-abs( b.dy ) * 0.95
  end if
  b.x = b.x + b.dx
  b.y = b.y + b.dy
  b.dy = b.dy + g
  key$ = right$( Inkey$ , 1 )
  if key$ <> chr$( _VK_ESCAPE ) then wait
  close #m

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Gender: Male
Posts: 111
xx Re: physics sims
« Reply #1 on: May 2nd, 2016, 09:01am »

more bals

global b.max
b.max = 20
dim b.x( b.max ) , b.y( b.max ) , b.r( b.max )
dim b.dx( b.max ) , b.dy( b.max ) , b.kl$( b.max )
WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , g
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
g = 1e-3
for i = 0 to b.max
  b.r(i) = range( 10 , 30 )
  b.x(i) = range( b.r(i) , winx - b.r(i) )
  b.y(i) = range( b.r(i) , winy - b.r(i) - 100 )
  b.dx(i) = range( -5 , 5 )
  b.dy(i) = range( -5 , 5 )
  b.kl$(i) = rndkl$()
next i  
open "Physics sim" for graphics as #m
  #m "trapclose [quit]"
  #m "when characterInput [key]"
  #m "setfocus"
  timer 40 , [timer]
  #m "fill white"
  for i = 0 to b.max
    #m "goto " ; b.x(i) ; " " ; b.y(i)
    #m "color " ; b.kl$(i)
    #m "backcolor " ; b.kl$(i)
    #m "down"
    #m "circlefilled " ; b.r(i)
    #m "up"
  next i
  #m "goto 0 " ; winy - 100
  #m "down"
  #m "backcolor green"
  #m "boxfilled " ; winx ; " " ; winy
  #m "up"
  for i = 1 to b.max
    for j = 0 to i - 1
      d = dist(b.x(i),b.y(i),b.x(j),b.y(j))
      r = b.r(i)+b.r(j)
      if d < r then
        h = b.dx(i)
        h = b.dy(i)
      end if
    next j
  next i
  for i = 0 to b.max
    if b.x(i) < b.r(i) then
      b.dx(i) = abs( b.dx(i) )
    end if
    if b.x(i) > winx - b.r(i) then
      b.dx(i) = 0-abs( b.dx(i) )
    end if
    if b.y(i) < b.r(i) then
      b.dy(i) = abs( b.dy(i) )
    end if
    if b.y(i) > winy - b.r(i) - 100 then
      b.dy(i) = 0-abs( b.dy(i) ) * 0.9
    end if
    b.x(i) = b.x(i) + b.dx(i)
    b.y(i) = b.y(i) + b.dy(i)
    b.dy(i) = b.dy(i) + g
  next i
  key$ = right$( Inkey$ , 1 )
  if key$ <> chr$( _VK_ESCAPE ) then wait
  close #m
function range( l , h )
  range = rnd(0) * ( h - l ) + l
end function
function rgb$( r , g , b )
  r = int( r ) and 255
  g = int( g ) and 255
  b = int( b ) and 255
  rgb$ = str$( r ) + " " ; g ; " " ; b
end function
function rndkl$()
  r = range( 0 , 255 )
  g = range( 0 , 255 )
  b = range( 0 , 255 )
  rndkl$ = rgb$( r , g , b )
end function
function dist( a , b , c , d )
  dist = sqr((a-c)^2+(b-d)^2)
end function

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Gender: Male
Posts: 111
xx Re: physics sims
« Reply #2 on: May 2nd, 2016, 09:03am »

bal fals in water
global b.x , b.y , b.r , b.dx , b.dy , b.kl$
WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , g
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
g = 0.1
b.r = 60
b.x = winx / 2
b.y = b.r + 50
b.kl$ = "red"
open "Physics sim" for graphics as #m
  #m "trapclose [quit]"
  #m "when characterInput [key]"
  #m "setfocus"
  #m "size 5"
  timer 40 , [timer]
  #m "fill black"

  #m "goto 0 " ; winy / 2
  #m "down"
  #m "color blue"
  #m "line 0 " ; winy / 2 ; " " ; winx ; " " ; winy / 2
  #m "up"

  #m "goto " ; b.x ; " " ; b.y
  #m "color " ; b.kl$
  #m "backcolor " ; b.kl$
  #m "down"
  #m "circle " ; b.r
  #m "up"

  if b.x < b.r then
    b.dx = abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.x > winx - b.r then
    b.dx = 0-abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.y < b.r then
    b.dy = abs( b.dy )
  end if
  if b.y > winy - b.r - 100 then
    b.dy = 0-abs( b.dy ) * 0.95
  end if

  dr = ( b.y - winy / 2 ) / b.r
  if dr <= -1 then
    ratio = 0
    if dr < 1 then
      ratio = .5 + 0.25 * dr * ( 3 - dr * dr )
      ratio = 1
    end if
  end if

  turb = ratio * b.dy / 20
  gravity = g
  up = ratio * g * 2

  b.x = b.x + b.dx
  b.y = b.y + b.dy
  b.dy = b.dy + gravity - up - turb
  key$ = right$( Inkey$ , 1 )
  if key$ = chr$( _VK_SPACE ) then
    b.y = b.r
  end if
  if key$ <> chr$( _VK_ESCAPE ) then wait
  close #m

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Gender: Male
Posts: 111
xx Re: physics sims
« Reply #3 on: May 2nd, 2016, 09:07am »

using lgbfx lib
bal fals in water

error :
bal does not floot

WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , gfx , pi
global key$ , mouse.x , mouse.y
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
pi = atn( 1 ) * 4
global red , green , yellow 
global blue , magenta , cyan
red     = rgb( 255 ,   0 ,   0 )
green   = rgb(   0 , 255 ,   0 )
yellow  = rgb( 255 , 255 ,   0 )
blue    = rgb(   0 ,   0 , 255 )
magenta = rgb( 255 ,   0 , 255 )
cyan    = rgb(   0 , 255 , 255 ) 
global b.x , b.dx , b.y , b.dy , b.r , b.kl , tel
b.r = 30
b.x = winx / 2
b.y = b.r
b.kl = red
graphicbox #m.lbgfx, 0,0,0,0
open "LBGfx physics" for window as #m
call FixWindowSize hwnd(#m),winx,winy
#m.lbgfx "when mouseMove [move]"
#m.lbgfx "when characterInput [key]"
#m "trapclose [quit]"
#m.lbgfx "setfocus"
open DefaultDir$+"\LBGfx.dll" for dll as #lbgfx
gfx=CreateLBGfx(0,0,winx,winy _
  timer 40 , [timer]
  call setcolor black
  call lbgfx "cls"
  call setcolor blue
  call lbgfx "boxfilled 0 " ; winy / 2 ; " " ; winx ; " " ; winy
  call setcolor rainbow( tel )
  call lbgfx "circlefilled " ; b.x ; " " ; b.y ; " " ; b.r

  if b.x < b.r then
    b.dx = abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.x > winx - b.r then
    b.dx = 0-abs( b.dx )
  end if
  if b.y < b.r then
    b.dy = abs( b.dy )
  end if
  if b.y > winy - b.r - 100 then
    b.dy = 0-abs( b.dy ) * 0.95
  end if

  dr = ( b.y - winy / 2 ) / b.r
  if dr <= -1 then
    ratio = 0
    if dr < 1 then
      ratio = .5 + 0.25 * dr * ( 3 - dr * dr )
      ratio = 1
    end if
  end if

  turb = ratio * b.dy / 20
  gravity = 0.1
  up = ratio * g * 2

  b.x = b.x + b.dx
  b.y = b.y + b.dy
  b.dy = b.dy + gravity - up - turb
  tel = tel + 1
  if tel > winx / 3 then
    tel = 0
    b.y = b.r
  end if

  call lbgfx "flip"
  key$ = right$( Inkey$ , 1 )
  if key$ = " " then
    tel = 0
    b.y = b.r
  end if
  if key$ <> chr$( 27 ) then wait
  call DestroyLBGfx 
  close #lbgfx
  close #main
  mouse.x = MouseX
  mouse.y = MouseY


function rad( deg )
  rad = deg * pi / 180
end function

''color stuf

function rgb( r , g , b )
  r = int( r ) and 255
  g = int( g ) and 255
  b = int( b ) and 255
  rgb = r + g * 256 + b * 256 ^ 2
end function

sub setcolor kl
  r = kl and 255
  g = int( kl / 256 ) and 255
  b = int( kl / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  call lbgfx "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
  call lbgfx "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub

function  mix( kla , f , klb )
  r1 = kla and 255
  g1 = int( kla / 256 ) and 255
  b1 = int( kla / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  r2 = klb and 255
  g2 = int( klb / 256 ) and 255
  b2 = int( klb / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  r = r1 + ( r2 - r1 ) * f
  g = g1 + ( g2 - g1 ) * f
  b = b1 + ( b2 - b1 ) * f
  mix = rgb( r , g , b )
end function 

function rainbow( deg )
  r = sin( rad( deg ) ) * 127 + 128
  g = sin( rad( deg - 120 ) ) * 127 + 128  
  b = sin( rad( deg + 120 ) ) * 127 + 128
  rainbow = rgb( r , g , b )
end function

''dan teel stuf

sub lbgfx text$
  calldll #lbgfx,"graphicCommand" _
  ,gfx as ulong _
  ,text$ as ptr _
  ,ret as void
end sub

function CreateLBGfx(x,y,w,h,hParent,hMessageHandler)'Returns 0 if fail, hWnd if pass
  calldll #kernel32,"GetModuleHandleA",0 as ulong,instance as ulong
  calldll #user32,"CreateWindowExA",_
  0 as long,_
  "LBGfx32" as ptr,_
  0 as ulong,_
  style as ulong,_
  x as long,_
  y as long,_
  w as long,_
  h as long,_
  hParent as ulong,_
  0 as ulong,_
  instance as ulong,_
  hMessageHandler as ulong,_
  CreateLBGfx as ulong
end function

sub DestroyLBGfx 
  calldll #user32, "DestroyWindow",_
  gfx as ulong, _
  ret as long
end sub

sub FixWindowSize hwnd,width,height
  struct fixrect _
    ,left as long _
    ,top as long _
    ,right as long _
    ,bottom as long
  calldll #user32,"GetClientRect" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,fixrect as struct _
  ,ret as void
  calldll #user32,"GetWindowRect" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,fixrect as struct _
  ,ret as void
  calldll #user32,"MoveWindow" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,x as long _
  ,y as long _
  ,width as long _
  ,height as long _
  ,1 as long _
  ,ret as void
end sub
« Last Edit: May 2nd, 2016, 09:08am by bluatigro » User IP Logged

Richard Russell

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Posts: 1348
xx Re: physics sims
« Reply #4 on: May 2nd, 2016, 09:09am »

on May 2nd, 2016, 08:59am, bluatigro wrote:
first a bouncing ball

It's nicer if you remove the scrollbar and borders:

open "Physics sim" for graphics_fs_nsb as #m 

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Gender: Male
Posts: 111
xx Re: physics sims
« Reply #5 on: May 2nd, 2016, 09:12am »

first try at flokking
using lbgfx

error :
the boids look strange
at the end the boids move alway to the right

WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , gfx , pi
global key$ , mouse.x , mouse.y
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
pi = atn( 1 ) * 4
global red , green , yellow
global blue , magenta , cyan
red = rgb( 255 , 0 , 0 )
green = rgb( 0 , 255 , 0 )
yellow = rgb( 255 , 255 , 0 )
blue = rgb( 0 , 0 , 255 )
magenta = rgb( 255 , 0 , 255 )
cyan = rgb( 0 , 255 , 255 )

global b.max
b.max = 20
dim x(b.max),y(b.max),dx(b.max),dy(b.max)
graphicbox #m.lbgfx, 0,0,0,0
open "LBGfx" for window as #m
call FixWindowSize hwnd(#m),winx,winy
#m.lbgfx "when mouseMove [move]"
#m.lbgfx "when characterInput [key]"
#m "trapclose [quit]"
#m.lbgfx "setfocus"
open DefaultDir$+"\LBGfx.dll" for dll as #lbgfx
gfx=CreateLBGfx(0,0,winx,winy _
  for i = 0 to b.max
  next i
  timer 40 , [timer]
  call lbgfx "backcolor black"
  call lbgfx "cls"

  for i = 0 to b.max
    call boid.draw i
    call i
    call boid.align i
    call boid.from.neigbor i
    if x(i)<0 then x(i)=winx
    if x(i)>winx then x(i)=0
    if y(i)<0 then y(i)=winy
    if y(i)>winy then y(i)=0
  next i

  call lbgfx "flip"
  key$ = right$( Inkey$ , 1 )
  if key$ <> chr$( 27 ) then wait
  call DestroyLBGfx
  close #lbgfx
  close #main
  mouse.x = MouseX
  mouse.y = MouseY


sub boid.draw no
  x = x(no)
  y = y(no)
  dx = dx(no)
  dy = dy(no)
  a = degrees( atan2( dx , dy ) )
  call setcolor rainbow( a )
  call lbgfx "circlefilled ";x;" ";y;" 30"
  x1 = 14
  y1 = -14
  x2 = -14
  y2 = -14
  call rotate x1 , y1 , a + 90
  call rotate x2 , y2 , a + 90
  call setcolor white
  call lbgfx "circlefilled ";x+x1;" ";y+y1;" 10"
  call setcolor black
  call lbgfx "circlefilled ";x+x1;" ";y+y1;" 5"
  call setcolor white
  call lbgfx "circlefilled ";x+x2;" ";y+y2;" 10"
  call setcolor black
  call lbgfx "circlefilled ";x+x2;" ";y+y2;" 5"
end sub

sub no
  sum.x = 0
  sum.y = 0
  for i = 0 to b.max
    if no <> i then
      if boid.dist(i,no)<200 then
        sum.x = sum.x + x(i)
        sum.y = sum.y + y(i)
      end if
    end if
  next i
  a = atan2(dx(no),dy(no))
  w = atan2(sum.x,sum.y)
  dx = dx(no)
  dy = dy(no)
  if w < a then
    call rotate dx , dy , -1
    if w > a then
      call rotate dx , dy , 1
    end if
  end if
  dx(no) = dx
  dy(no) = dy
end sub

sub boid.align no
  sum.x = 0
  sum.y = 0
  for i = 0 to b.max
    if no <> i then
      if boid.dist(i,no)<200 then
        sum.x = sum.x + dx(i)
        sum.y = sum.y + dy(i)
      end if
    end if
  next i
  a = atan2(dx(no),dy(no))
  w = atan2(sum.x,sum.y)
  dx = dx(no)
  dy = dy(no)
  if w < a then
    call rotate dx , dy , -1
    if w > a then
      call rotate dx , dy , 1
    end if
  end if
  dx(no) = dx
  dy(no) = dy
end sub

sub boid.from.neigbor no
  tel = 0
  dist = 1e9
  for i = 0 to b.max
    if no <> i then
      if boid.dist(i,no)<dist then
        tel = i
        dist = boid.dist(i,no)
      end if
    end if
  next i
  a = atan2(x(tel)-x(no),y(tel)-y(tel))
  w = atan2(dx(no),dy(no))
  dx = dx(no)
  dy = dy(no)
  if w < a then
    call rotate dx , dy , 2
    if w > a then
      call rotate dx , dy , -2
    end if
  end if
  dx(no) = dx
  dy(no) = dy
end sub

function boid.dist( a , b )
  boid.dist = sqr((x(a)-x(b))^2+(y(a)-y(b))^2)
end function


function atan2( a , b )
  if a = 0 then
    if b < 0 then
      uit = 0 - pi / 2
      uit = pi / 2
    end if
    if a < 0 then
      uit = pi - atn( b / abs( a ) )
      uit = atn( b / a )
    end if
  end if
  atan2 = uit
end function

function rad( deg )
  rad = deg * pi / 180
end function

function degrees( r )
  degrees = r * 180 / pi
end function

function range( l , h )
  range = rnd(0) * ( h - l ) + l
end function

sub rotate byref k , byref l , deg
  s = sin( rad( deg ) )
  c = cos( rad( deg ) )
  hk = k * c - l * s
  hl = k * s + l * c
  k = hk
  l = hl
end sub

''color stuf

function rgb( r , g , b )
  r = int( r ) and 255
  g = int( g ) and 255
  b = int( b ) and 255
  rgb = r + g * 256 + b * 256 ^ 2
end function

function rainbow( deg )
  r = sin( rad( deg ) ) * 127 + 128
  g = sin( rad( deg - 120 ) ) * 127 + 128
  b = sin( rad( deg + 120 ) ) * 127 + 128
  rainbow = rgb( r , g , b )
end function

sub setcolor kl
  r = kl and 255
  g = int( kl / 256 ) and 255
  b = int( kl / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  call lbgfx "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
  call lbgfx "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub

function  mix( kla , f , klb )
  r1 = kla and 255
  g1 = int( kla / 256 ) and 255
  b1 = int( kla / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  r2 = klb and 255
  g2 = int( klb / 256 ) and 255
  b2 = int( klb / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255
  r = r1 + ( r2 - r1 ) * f
  g = g1 + ( g2 - g1 ) * f
  b = b1 + ( b2 - b1 ) * f
  mix = rgb( r , g , b )
end function

''dan teel stuf

sub lbgfx text$
  calldll #lbgfx,"graphicCommand" _
  ,gfx as ulong _
  ,text$ as ptr _
  ,ret as void
end sub

function CreateLBGfx(x,y,w,h,hParent,hMessageHandler)'Returns 0 if fail, hWnd if pass
  calldll #kernel32,"GetModuleHandleA",0 as ulong,instance as ulong
  calldll #user32,"CreateWindowExA",_
  0 as long,_
  "LBGfx32" as ptr,_
  0 as ulong,_
  style as ulong,_
  x as long,_
  y as long,_
  w as long,_
  h as long,_
  hParent as ulong,_
  0 as ulong,_
  instance as ulong,_
  hMessageHandler as ulong,_
  CreateLBGfx as ulong
end function

sub DestroyLBGfx
  calldll #user32, "DestroyWindow",_
  gfx as ulong, _
  ret as long
end sub

sub FixWindowSize hwnd,width,height
  struct fixrect _
    ,left as long _
    ,top as long _
    ,right as long _
    ,bottom as long
  calldll #user32,"GetClientRect" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,fixrect as struct _
  ,ret as void
  calldll #user32,"GetWindowRect" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,fixrect as struct _
  ,ret as void
  calldll #user32,"MoveWindow" _
  ,hwnd as ulong _
  ,x as long _
  ,y as long _
  ,width as long _
  ,height as long _
  ,1 as long _
  ,ret as void
end sub
« Last Edit: May 2nd, 2016, 09:14am by bluatigro » User IP Logged

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