I found this snippet in the Liberty BASIC Community Wiki, posted in the Shared Code section by HarmonV. I was impressed. You know how I like calendar functions.
Code:' Easter date Calculation -- function definition by HarmonV, February 2007
print "The date of Easter for any year from 1583 to 4099."
print ""
input "Enter year: "; yyyy
if yyyy=0 then [finish]
Easter$ = Easter$(yyyy)
if Easter$<>"" then
print Easter$
print "Invalid year"
end if
goto [begin]
print "Done."
function Easter$(yyyy)
if yyyy<1583 or yyyy>4099 then Easter$="": exit function
gn = yyyy mod 19 + 1 ' Golden Number
c = int(yyyy/100)+1 ' Century
JE = (11*(gn-1)) mod 30 ' Julian Epact #
S = int(3*c/4) ' Solar Equation (3 non-leap days every 4 centuries)
L = int((8*c+5)/25) ' Lunar Equation (8 days every 25 centuries)
GE = JE - S + L + 8 ' Gregorian Epact #
if GE<1 then GE = GE + 30*(1+int(abs(GE)/30))
GE = GE mod 30
' efm = Ecclesiastical full moon (22=Mar 22nd, 32=Apr 1st, etc)
if GE<24 then efm = 44-GE
if GE>23 then efm = 74-GE
if (GE=24) or (GE=25 and gn>11) then efm = efm - 1
wd = (efm + 2 + yyyy + int(yyyy/4) - int(yyyy/100) + int(yyyy/400) ) mod 7
ed = efm + 7 - wd ' Easter Day = first Sunday after EFM
mm = 3+int(ed/32): mm$=str$(mm): if len(mm$)=1 then mm$="0"+mm$
dd = ed - 31*int(mm/4): dd$=str$(dd): if len(dd$)=1 then dd$="0"+dd$
Easter$ = str$(yyyy)+mm$+dd$
end function
I made myself a page there and posted some of my recent programs. The "organizers" went to a great deal of effort making the wiki many years ago, but it doesn't appear to be getting much use lately.