LB Booster
General >> General Board >> MainWin OR Printer? MainWin OR Printer?
Post by SarmedNafi on Oct 30th, 2015, 5:55pm
In the following code LBB goes to printer not to mainwin. The preferable is the mainwin as well.
Sure there is a way to make LBB gose to the mainwin.
In the following code LBB goes to printer not to mainwin.
You seem to be sending binary data (the contents of an image file, such as a GIF or JPG) to the mainwin, which isn't normally a sensible thing to do. Binary data is likely to contain 'control characters', i.e. characters in the range chr$(0) to chr$(31), and they can have all kinds of (superficially) strange effects, including redirecting output to the printer!
Generally the only control characters which should be output to the LBB mainwin are Carriage Return - CR or chr$(13) - and Line Feed - LF or chr$(10). If you want to know the effects of the other characters you can find a description here, but to keep things simple don't send binary data to the mainwin - it is intended only to receive text.