LB Booster
Programming >> BASIC code examples >> Winter fun 2016 Snow Scene Winter fun 2016 Snow Scene
Post by Richard Russell on Nov 9th, 2016, 9:34pm
You can find my submission for this challenge at the Umbrella Forum - it works in JB, LB and LBB. I would appreciate it if somebody would cross-post it to the other forums because needless to say I'm not able to.
There are a few interesting features. Firstly it draws a different tree every time it is run, using a fractal algorithm with random terms; I think it's quite realistic. Secondly it contains a 'getpixel' function which works even in Just BASIC, by reading from a saved BMP file (not an original idea by any means, but I coded this one from scratch).
It provides a tough test for LBB's graphics, because it consists almost entirely of 'set' commands. What I'm finding here is that it runs at about the same speed as JB/LB when run on a CPU with a least two cores, but is actually somewhat slower if run on a single-core CPU (even if hyperthreaded).
Richard. Re: Winter fun 2016 Snow Scene
Post by Richard Russell on Nov 10th, 2016, 08:33am
You can find my submission for this challenge at the Umbrella Forum - it works in JB, LB and LBB.
Interestingly it showed up a bug in JB/LB that I haven't come across before, and which isn't documented at the Bug Tracker wiki. It appears that when JB/LB redraws graphics from a stored 'segment' (i.e. after a flush and when the window is minimized/maximized or covered/uncovered) it doesn't initialise the rule.
So if (for example) a rule xor command has later been issued, JB/LB will redraw the stored segment using that rule instead of the one in effect when the graphics were originally drawn! So rather than re-drawing them as they were, the graphics are drawn completely differently.
The workaround is to deliberately store a rule over command in the original segment. It won't have any effect on the graphics when they are initially drawn, but will cause them to be re-drawn correctly later, if required.
Richard. Re: Winter fun 2016 Snow Scene
Post by Richard Russell on Nov 10th, 2016, 1:25pm