LB Booster
Programming >> Compatibility with LB4 >> Return key in a Textbox

Return key in a Textbox
Post by Richard Russell on Jul 10th, 2014, 2:49pm

A minor, but useful, difference between LBB and LB 4.04 is that you can use the ES_WANTRETURN stylebit to enable the Return (Enter) key in a TEXTBOX:

    textbox #w.tb, 2, 0, 300, 320
    stylebits #w.tb, _WS_VSCROLL OR _ES_MULTILINE OR _ES_WANTRETURN, 0, 0, 0
    open "Return key in a Textbox" for window as #w
    #w "trapclose quit"
    #w.tb "Type some text and try the Return key."

sub quit handle$
    close #handle$
end sub 

This works in many respects like a TEXTEDITOR, except that the Tab key moves focus to the next control rather than performing a tabulation function.

It's rather odd that you can't use the same trick in LB 4.04. As far as I know a TEXTBOX is just a regular Windows Edit Control (as it is in LBB), but for some reason in LB it doesn't respond to the ES_WANTRETURN stylebit as you would expect.
