[pingMachine] ' Create a batch file with the ping information... success = 0 pingReply = 0 success$ = "" OPEN "gather.bat" FOR OUTPUT AS #batch PRINT #batch, "@echo off" pingLine$ = "ping " + addressUrl$ + " > pingresults.dat" PRINT #batch, pingLine$ CLOSE #batch GOSUB [pauseProgramShort] RUN "gather.bat", HIDE GOSUB [pauseProgram] ' Printing out ping file for testing... OPEN "pingresults.dat" FOR INPUT AS #pingDisplay WHILE NOT(EOF(#pingDisplay)<>0) LINE INPUT #pingDisplay, printPingLine$ IF LEFT$(printPingLine$, 10) = "Reply from" success = success + 1 PRINT printPingLine$ WEND CLOSE #pingDisplay IF success >= 3 THEN pingReply = 1 success$ = addressUrl$ + " SUCCESS" PRINT success$ PRINT "==================================================================" END IF PRINT ' If there is no reply let the program know that there is activity during this hour... IF pingReply = 0 THEN activity = 1 RETURN