nomainwin dim months$(12), days$(11) for n = 1 to 12 : months$(n) = right$("0"+str$(n),2) : next days$(1) = "01-10":days$(2) = "11-20":days$(3) = "21-31" for n = 1 to 10 step 1: years$(n) = str$(n*10+1910)+"'s" : next WindowWidth = 400 : WindowHeight = 400 statictext #student.statictext6, "Date of Birth", 100, 5, 99, 20 statictext #student.statictext7, "Mo Day Year", 70, 20, 160, 40 combobox #student.mocb, months$(,[mos],60,40,40,60 combobox #student.dacb, days$(,[days],107,40,50,50 combobox #student.yrcb, years$(,[years],165,40,60,300 open "Enter Date" for window as #student #student, "font ms_sans_serif 8" #student, "trapclose [studentEnd]" wait [studentEnd] #student.mocb, "selection? mx$" #student.dacb, "selection? dx$" #student.yrcb, "selection? decade$" notice mx$;" ";dx$;" ";decade$ close #student end [mos] #student.mocb, "selection? mx$" wait [days] #student.dacb, "selection? da$" if instr(da$,"-") = 0 then wait #student.dacb, "selectionindex? dx" select dx case 1 : m = 0 : p = 10 case 2 : m = 10 : p = 10 case 3 : m = 20 : p = 11 end select for n = 1 to p days$(n) = right$("0"+str$(n+m),2) next #student.dacb, "selectindex 0" #student.dacb,"reload" #student.dacb,"!";da$ wait [years] #student.yrcb,"selection? decade$" if right$(decade$,1) <> "s" then wait decade = val(left$(decade$,4)) for n = 1 to 10 :years$(n) = str$(decade+n-1):next #student.yrcb, "selectindex 0" #student.yrcb,"reload" #student.yrcb,"!";decade$ wait
nomainwin dim days$(31) for n = 1 to 31 : days$(n) = right$("0"+str$(n),2) : next WindowWidth = 400 : WindowHeight = 400 combobox #student.dacb, days$(),[days],107,40,50,200 open "Enter Date" for window as #student #student, "font ms_sans_serif 8" #student, "trapclose [quit]" hdacb = hwnd(#student.dacb) calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hdacb as ulong, _CB_SETMINVISIBLE as long, _ 31 as long, 0 as long, ret as void wait [quit] close #student end
nomainwin dim months$(12), days$(11) for n = 1 to 12 : months$(n) = right$("0"+str$(n),2) : next days$(1) = "01-10":days$(2) = "11-20":days$(3) = "21-31" for n = 1 to 10 step 1: years$(n) = str$(n*10+1910)+"'s" : next WindowWidth = 400 : WindowHeight = 400 statictext #student.statictext6, "Date of Birth", 100, 5, 99, 20 statictext #student.statictext7, "Mo Day Year", 70, 20, 160, 40 combobox #student.mocb, months$(,[mos],60,40,40,60 combobox #student.dacb, days$(,[days],107,40,50,50 combobox #student.yrcb, years$(,[years],165,40,60,300 open "Enter Date" for window as #student #student, "font ms_sans_serif 8" #student, "trapclose [studentEnd]" wait [studentEnd] #student.mocb, "selection? mx$" #student.dacb, "selection? dx$" #student.yrcb, "selection? decade$" notice mx$;" ";dx$;" ";decade$ close #student end [mos] #student.mocb, "selection? mx$" wait [days] #student.dacb, "selection? da$" if instr(da$,"-") = 0 then wait #student.dacb, "selectionindex? dx" select dx case 1 : m = 0 : p = 10 case 2 : m = 10 : p = 10 case 3 : m = 20 : p = 11 end select for n = 1 to p days$(n) = right$("0"+str$(n+m),2) next #student.dacb, "selectindex 0" #student.dacb,"reload" #student.dacb,"!";da$ hdacb = hwnd(#student.dacb) calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hdacb as ulong, _CB_SHOWDROPDOWN as long, _ 1 as long, 0 as long, ret as void wait [years] #student.yrcb,"selection? decade$" if right$(decade$,1) <> "s" then wait decade = val(left$(decade$,4)) for n = 1 to 10 :years$(n) = str$(decade+n-1):next #student.yrcb, "selectindex 0" #student.yrcb,"reload" #student.yrcb,"!";decade$ hyrcb = hwnd(#student.yrcb) calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hyrcb as ulong, _CB_SHOWDROPDOWN as long, _ 1 as long, 0 as long, ret as void wait