Let's see what happens in another scenario.
This time, for clarity, we'll name our two users Admin and User. Admin has admin access, User doesn't.
User is signed in to the desktop, and LB is not installed.
<current user> = User
He tries to install LB, and gets asked for admin credentials.
Admin comes over and types in his username and password. Windows starts the install of LB as Admin. Let's see what effect this has.
<current user> = Admin
Install path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty BASIC v4.5 Data path = C:\Users\<current user>\AppData\Roaming\Liberty BASIC v4.5
The Data path then maps to:
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Liberty BASIC v4.5
So all of the configuration data, samples, etc get copied there.
After the installer closes, there is no longer a program running as Admin.
<current user> = User
Now that LB's installed, User thanks Admin and goes to start LB.
Windows starts LB with User's identity.
Data path = C:\Users\<current user>\AppData\Roaming\Liberty BASIC v4.5
which then maps to
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Liberty BASIC v4.5
Which ends up with User having the same problem as above; only it seems stranger, because, to User, he was the one who installed LB.