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Programming >> Liberty BASIC language >> changing window title after it's opened

changing window title after it's opened
Post by Alincon on Jun 23rd, 2016, 02:19am

This sub is called from multiple windows.
It is supposed to gather information from two sources and add the information to the title of the called window
It works in one program that has only one calling window,
But it does not work in a program with multiple calling windows

sub getPayerData winHdl    'handle of calling window
    WindowWidth = 380:    WindowHeight = 300 : BackgroundColor$ = "yellow"    
    stylebits #gpdWin, _DS_CENTER,0,0,0
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext0, "", 25,  32, 170,  20
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext6, "b", 25,  55,  8,  20
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext5, "Payer identification number ", 25,  32, 170,  20
    combobox #gpdWin.cbPIN, payers$(, [gpdNACSZ],25, 52, 320,  250
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext76, "c",  10, 105,  8,  20
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext20, "Payer Name and Address", 25, 82, 160,  20
    textbox #gpdWin.tbPayerName, 25, 102, 320, 20
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext77, "d",  10, 135,  8,  20
    textbox #gpdWin.tbPayerAdrs, 25, 132, 320, 20
    statictext #gpdWin.statictext78, "e",  10, 165,  8,  20
    textbox #gpdWin.tbPayerCSZ, 25, 162, 320, 20
    Stylebits #gpdWin, 0, _WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or _WS_MINIMIZEBOX, 0, 0    
    button #gpdWin.btnAdd, "&Add ", [gpdAdd], UL, 100, 200, 80, 25   
    button #gpdWin.btnAcpt, "&Accept ", [gpdEnd], UL, 200, 200, 80, 25   
    open "GET PAYER DATA" for window as #gpdWin
    #gpdWin, "trapclose [gpdEnd]" 
    #gpdWin.cbPIN,"font 10";
    #gpdWin.cbPIN, "selection? x$"   
    #gpdWin.tbPayerName, word$(x$,1,"|")
    #gpdWin.tbPayerAdrs, word$(x$,2,"|")
    #gpdWin.tbPayerCSZ, word$(x$,3,"|")                    
    #gpdWin.cbPIN, "!";word$(x$,4,"|")
    gpdName$ = word$(x$,1,"|")
    gpdAdrs$ = word$(x$,2,"|")
    gpdCSZ$ = word$(x$,3,"|")
    gpdPIN$ = word$(x$,4,"|")
    #gpdWin.cbPIN, "contents? gpdPIN$"      
    #gpdWin.tbPayerName, "!contents? gpdName$"
    #gpdWin.tbPayerAdrs, "!contents? gpdAdrs$"
    #gpdWin.tbPayerCSZ, "!contents? gpdCSZ$"
    payerCtr = payerCtr + 1  
    payers$(payerCtr) = gpdName$ +"|"+ gpdAdrs$ +"|"+ gpdCSZ$ +"|"+ gpdPIN$
    notice "Payer Added to table"+chr$(13)+payers$(payerCtr)
    sort payers$(),1,payerCtr
    #gpdWin.cbPIN, "reload"    
   ' if gpdName$ = "" then
   '     notice "No Payer Name data"
   '     goto [gpdLoop]
   ' end if
  ' close #gpdWin  
 [getHdSp]    'get head or spouse or both and add to  window title
    WindowWidth = 140:    WindowHeight = 140 : BackgroundColor$ = "red"
     radiobutton #filer.rbHead, headFirstName$,[filerEnd],[filerLoop],20,20,120,20
    radiobutton #filer.rbSpouse, spouseFirstName$,[filerEnd],[filerLoop],20,45,120,20
    radiobutton #filer.rbBoth, "Both", [filerEnd],[filerLoop],20,70,70,20
    Stylebits #filer, 0, _WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or _WS_MINIMIZEBOX, 0, 0    
    open "Select Filer(s)" for window as #filer
    #filer, "trapclose [filerEnd]" 
    #filer.rbHead, "value? rbHd$"   : notice "head "+ rbHd$
    if rbHd$ = "set" then
         winName$ = headFirstName$
         divHdSp$ = headFirstName$
    end if
    #filer.rbSpouse, "value? rbSp$" : notice "spouse "+ rbSp$
    if rbSp$ = "set" then 
        winName$ = spouseFirstName$
        divHdSp$ = spouseFirstName$
    end if
    #filer.rbBoth, "value? rbBoth$" : notice "both "+ rbBoth$
    if rbBoth$ = "set" then 
        winName$ = headFirstName$ + " and " + spouseFirstName$
        divHdSp$ = "Both"
    end if
notice winName$
    'close #filer
   ' hWin = hwnd(#div)    'change window caption
    caption$ = " 1099 DIVIDENDS:   "; upper$(gpdName$);"   ";upper$(winName$) 
    calldll #user32, "SetWindowTextA",winHdl as ulong,caption$ as ptr,result as boolean
    end sub 
     close #filer 
     close #gpdWin   


Here is the table of payers: (note the "|" word breaks)

Wells Fargo|2801 Market St|St Louis, MO 63103|23-2384840
Ameriprise|10 Ameriprise Center|Minneapolis, MN 55474|41-1667086
UBS Fin Svcs|1000 Harbor Blvd|Weehawken, NJ 07086|13-2638166


Re: changing window title after it's opened
Post by Alincon on Jun 24th, 2016, 7:02pm

Well, I can now say that the program that fails in LBB works in LB4.5
In LBB the second window vanishes and the program seems to die.

Re: changing window title after it's opened
Post by Richard Russell on Jun 24th, 2016, 9:07pm

on Jun 24th, 2016, 7:02pm, Alincon wrote:
Well, I can now say that the program that fails in LBB works in LB4.5
In LBB the second window vanishes and the program seems to die.

Therefore run it in LB 4.5.0! You've not provided any information which would allow me or anybody else to discover why it's not working in LBB.

After today's shocking developments in the U.K., I don't even want to live any more.

Re: changing window title after it's opened
Post by Alincon on Jun 25th, 2016, 12:43am

Never mind my stupid little program.
I, too, am terribly disappointed by the vote to leave the EU.
