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General >> General Board >> End

Post by Jack Kelly on Sep 19th, 2016, 06:09am

How does LBB handle program termination? Does it close any open windows or files? Does an 'end' statement do anything different than an implied 'end' or a close event? Sorry for asking so many questions in the same post!
Re: End
Post by Richard Russell on Sep 19th, 2016, 1:58pm

on Sep 19th, 2016, 06:09am, Jack Kelly wrote:
How does LBB handle program termination? Does it close any open windows or files? Does an 'end' statement do anything different than an implied 'end' or a close event?

I'm away from home so this is not authoritative, but I don't think the END statement closes any windows or files (unless of course there's a NOMAINWIN or it's in a compiled EXE, in which case END terminates the program and closes everything).
