dim horsearray(25, 90) ' 25 columns, 90 rows
sort horsearray(), 0, 25, 58 ' sort rows 0 to 25 using column 58, which is not available!
dim repActivity$(5,2) ' 5 rows, 2 columns
repActivity$(1,1) = "Tom Maloney" : repActivity$(1,2) = "01-09-93"
repActivity$(2,1) = "Mary Burns" : repActivity$(2,2) = "01-10-93"
repActivity$(3,1) = "Rod Bird" : repActivity$(3,2) = "01-07-93"
repActivity$(4,1) = "John Fisher" : repActivity$(4,2) = "01-06-93"
repActivity$(5,1) = "Ed Dole" : repActivity$(5,2) = "01-08-93"
print "sort by date (column 2):"
sort repActivity$(), 1, 5, 2
for row = 1 to 5
print repActivity$(row, 1), repActivity$(row, 2)
print "sort by name (column 1):"
sort repActivity$(), 1, 5, 1
for row = 1 to 5
print repActivity$(row, 1), repActivity$(row, 2)
dim horsearray(25, 90) ' 25 rows, 90 columns
for horse = 1 to 25 ' the horse is the row
for info = 1 to 90 ' the piece of info about the horse is the column
horsearray(horse, info) = rnd(1)
next info
next horse
sort horsearray(), 1, 25, 58 ' this is the sort the OP wants to do
for horse = 1 to 25
print horsearray(horse, 58)