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Programming >> Language extensions >> Passing Arrays from Inside an Object

Passing Arrays from Inside an Object
Post by JosephE on Mar 1st, 2015, 6:33pm

I'm getting errors with this code. If you run it, you'll see exactly why.

My only guess is that you can't pass instance arrays to a function?

new list as ScalableData

for i = 1 to 100
  print "adding item: "; i
  call list::add i
next i

class ScalableData
  dim storage(10)
  dim expandBy
  dim length
  dim amount

  sub ScalableData
    expandBy = 10
    length = 0
    amount = 10
  end sub

  sub add item
    length = length + 1
    if length > amount then
      amount = amount + expandBy
      call preserve storage(), amount
    end if
    storage(length) = item
  end sub
end class

function nsize(array())
  ' Returns the upper index limit of the numeric array array().
  s = 2^24
    on error goto [Error]
    s = int(s / 2)
    temp = array(nsize + s)
    nsize = nsize + s
  loop until s = 0
end function

sub preserve byref array(), newSize
    ' Redimensions the given one-dimensional numeric array to the
	' specified newSize.
	u = nsize(array()) ' Get the upper limit
	redim ArrayLib(u)
	for i = 0 To u
    ArrayLib(i) = array(i) ' Get old contents
	next i
	redim array(newSize) ' Resize given array.
	for i = 0 To u
    array(i) = ArrayLib(i) ' Replace old contents
	next i
end sub 

Re: Passing Arrays from Inside an Object
Post by Richard Russell on Mar 1st, 2015, 7:11pm

on Mar 1st, 2015, 6:33pm, JosephE wrote:
My only guess is that you can't pass instance arrays to a function?

You certainly can't! If you pass an array to a 'conventional' function, it must be a 'conventional' array. That is fundamental (you can't do it in BBC BASIC either).


Re: Passing Arrays from Inside an Object
Post by JosephE on Mar 1st, 2015, 7:49pm

Okay, that makes sense.

How about this? Why doesn't this work? As you can see, I really want a scaling list data type.

new list as List

for i = 1 to 100
  print "adding item: "; i
  call list::add i
next i

class List
  dim temp(1)
  dim storage(10)
  dim expandBy
  dim size
  dim amount

  sub List
    expandBy = 10
    size = 0
    amount = 10
  end sub

  sub add item
    size = size + 1
    if size > amount then
      amount = amount + expandBy
      call this::expand amount
    end if
    storage(size) = item
  end sub

  private sub expand newSize
    redim temp(size)
    for i = 0 to size
      temp(i) = storage(i)
    next i
    redim storage(newSize)
    for i = 0 to size
      storage(i) = temp(i)
    next i
    redim temp(1)
  end sub
end class 


Even with try/catch it isn't catching it! (swap the sub in below)
  private sub expand newSize
      redim temp(size)
      for i = 0 to size
        temp(i) = storage(i)
      next i
      redim storage(newSize)
      for i = 0 to size
        storage(i) = temp(i)
      next i
      redim temp(1)
      print err$
    end try
  end sub 

Re: Passing Arrays from Inside an Object
Post by Richard Russell on Mar 1st, 2015, 9:16pm

on Mar 1st, 2015, 7:49pm, JosephE wrote:
How about this? Why doesn't this work?

The same reason. Class 'arrays' aren't conventional arrays: just as you can't pass them as parameters you can't REDIM them either. There is no class property which is 'resizable'.

If you think about it you shouldn't be surprised. Each instance of the class (each 'object') has its own private array; if you were allowed to do what you want to do you, different instances of the class could end up having different sized arrays! It simply can't work.

If there was only ever one instance of a class, the 'object' and the 'class' would be the same thing. Then everything would be much simpler: object/class properties could be conventional variables, arrays etc. But then it wouldn't be Object Oriented Programming in the usual sense!

The only way it can work is for the size of the array to be determined when the class is defined, then every instance of the class has the same-sized array.


Re: Passing Arrays from Inside an Object
Post by JosephE on Mar 1st, 2015, 10:21pm

Okay, that being said, is there any way I can cheat around that so I can have dynamically expanding lists?