LB Booster
Programming >> BASIC code examples >> ATILERY DUEL

Post by bluatigro on May 16th, 2015, 1:12pm

this is a try at a atilery duel game

senario :
- you fire
- if you mis
- the computer fires
- if it mises you are again

error :
- there is somthuing wrong whit my game logic

''bluatigro 27 feb 2015
''atilery duel
WindowWidth = DisplayWidth
WindowHeight = DisplayHeight
global winx , winy , pi
winx = WindowWidth
winy = WindowHeight
pi = atn( 1 ) * 4
global state , human , hfire , comp , cfire
global speed
global firedx , firedy , high , low , angle
dim h( winx )
human = 1
hfire = 2
comp = 3
cfire = 4
speed = 5
open "atilery duel" for graphics as #m
  #m "trapclose [quit]"
  #m "backcolor black"
  #m "goto 0 0"
  #m "down"
  #m "boxfilled 40 80"
  #m "up"
  #m "getbmp bmp1 0 0 40 80"
  #m "addsprite comp bmp1"
  #m "addsprite human bmp1"
  #m "addsprite fire bmp1"
  state = human
  call newgame
  timer 40 , [tmr]
  #m "spritexy? fire fx fy"
  #m "spritexy? human hx hy"
  #m "spritexy? comp cx cy"
  select case state
    case human
      timer 0
      prompt "angle in degrees" ; a$
      firedx = cos( rad( val( a$ ) ) ) * speed
      firedy = 0-sin( rad( val( a$ ) ) ) * speed
      state = hfire
      #m "spritexy fire " ; hx ; " " ; hy
      timer 40 , [tmr]
    case hfire
      if fx > cx then state = comp
    case comp
      firedx = 0-cos( rad( angle ) ) * speed
      firedy = 0-sin( rad( angle ) ) * speed
      #m "spritexy fire " ; cx ; " " ; cy
      state = cfire
    case cfire
      if fx < winx / 3 then
        if fy > hy then
          if fx < hx then
            high = angle
            low = angle
          end if
          angle = ( low + high ) / 2
          state = human
        end if
      end if
    case else
      state = human
  end select
  #m "spritecollides fire list$"
  if list$ <> "" then
    timer 0
    if list$ = "human" and state = cfire then
      notice "YOU LOST !!"
      call endgame
    end if
    if list$ = "comp" and state = hfire then
      notice "YOU WON !!"
      call endgame
    end if
    timer 40 , [tmr]
  end if
  fx = fx + firedx
  fy = fy + firedy
  #m "spritexy fire " ; fx ; " " ; int( fy )
  firedy = firedy + 0.1
  #m "drawsprites"
function rad( deg )
  rad = deg * pi / 180
end function
sub endgame
  confirm "Play again ?" ; yn$
  if yn$ = "yes" then
    call newgame
    notice "Bey bey ."
    close #m
  end if
end sub
sub newgame
  state = human
  h( 0 ) = range( winy / 4 , winy * 3 / 4 )
  h( winx ) = range( winy / 4 , winy * 3 / 4 )
  call hil 0 , winx , winy / 8
  #m "fill blue"
  #m "color green"
  for x = 0 to winx
    #m "down"
    #m "line " ; x ; " " ; winy _
    ; " " ; x ; " " ; winy - h( x )
    #m "up"
  next x
  #m "getbmp bmp 0 0 " ; winx ; " " ; winy
  #m "background bmp"
  h = int( range( 30 , winx / 3 ) )
  #m "spritexy human " ; h ; _
  " " ; winy - h( h ) - 20
  #m "spritexy fire " ; h ; _
  " " ; winy - h( h ) - 20
    c = int( range( winx * 2 / 3 , winx - 30 ) )
  #m "spritexy comp " ; c ; _
  " " ; winy - h( c ) - 20
  #m "drawsprites"
  high = 45
  angle = 45
  low = 0
end sub
sub hil a , b , i
  if b - a < 2 then exit sub
  m = int( ( a + b ) / 2 )
  h( m ) = ( h( a ) + h( b ) ) / 2 _
  + range( 0 - i , i )
  call hil a , m , i / 2
  call hil m , b , i / 2
end sub
function range( l , h )
  range = rnd(0) * ( h - l ) + l
end function
  close #m


Post by Richard Russell on May 16th, 2015, 3:16pm

on May 16th, 2015, 1:12pm, bluatigro wrote:
this is a try at a atilery duel game

Liberty BASIC 4.04 comes with MAYHEM.BAS which is very similar. You could perhaps use that as a starting point, or at least it may give you some ideas to help fix your logic.
