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Programming >> Liberty BASIC language >> GetBmp without UnloadBmp?

GetBmp without UnloadBmp?
Post by Richard Russell on Jan 23rd, 2015, 10:59pm

The docs for GETBMP state "When no longer needed, unload from memory with UNLOADBMP" and that's certainly true in LBB: if you don't, your program will leak bitmap handles.

However my experiments suggest that in LB 4.04 it's not always essential to do so. If you do another GETBMP, with the same bitmap name, it looks as though it does an automatic UNLOADBMP 'behind the scenes'.

I should probably modify LBB to behave the same way, but in the meantime be aware that if your program uses GETBMP repetitively, without doing an UNLOADBMP in between, it will consume resources and eventually fail.
