global v.x,v.y,v.z global sp.rad,sp.px,,sp.pz,sp.ex,sp.ey,sp.ez,,,,sp.type sp.rad=0 sp.px=1 sp.pz=3 sp.ex=4 sp.ey=5 sp.ez=6 sp.type=10 dim bol(10,10) global red,green,yellow,blue,mageta,cyan,white red=rgb(255,0,0) green=rgb(0,255,0) yellow=rgb(255,255,0) blue=rgb(0,0,255) magenta=rgb(255,0,255) cyan=rgb(0,255,255) white=rgb(255,255,255) lgray=rgb(200,200,200) white2=rgb(254,254,254) global diff , spec , refr diff=0 spec=1 refr=2 WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 400 global winx,winy winx=WindowWidth winy=WindowHeight ''scene call Sphere 0,1e5, 1e5+1,40.8,81.6, 0,red,diff ''Left call Sphere 1,1e5, -1e5+99,40.8,81.6, 0,cyan,diff ''Rght call Sphere 2,1e5, 50,40.8, 1e5, 0,magenta,diff ''Back call Sphere 3,1e5, 50,40.8,-1e5+170, 0,0,diff ''Frnt call Sphere 4,1e5, 50, 1e5, 81.6, 0,green,diff ''Botm call Sphere 5,1e5, 50,-1e5+81.6,81.6, 0,blue,diff ''Top call Sphere 6,16.5, 27,16.5,47, 0,white2, spec ''Mirr call Sphere 7,16.5, 73,16.5,78, 0,white2, refr ''Glas call Sphere 8,600, 50,681.6-.27,81.6 ,white,0, diff ''Lite end ''sphere sub Sphere no,r,x,y,z,e,kl,type bol(no,sp.px)=x bol(no, bol(no,sp.pz)=z bol(no,sp.rad)=r call torgb e bol(no,sp.ex)=v.x bol(no,sp.ey)=v.y bol(no,sp.ez)=v.z call torgb kl bol(no, bol(no, bol(no, bol(no,sp.type)=type end sub function hit( no , ox,oy,oz,dx,dy,dz ) x=bol(no,sp.px) y=bol(no, z=bol(no,sp.pz) rad=bol(mo,sp.rad) call minus x,y,z,ox,oy,oz op.x=v.x:op.y=v.y:op.z=v.z eps = 1e-10 b = dot(op.x,op.y,op.z,ox,oy,oz) det = b*b-dot(op.x,op.y,op.z,op.x,op.y,op.z)+rad*rad if det < 0 then hit = 0 exit function end if det = sqr( det ) t = b - det if t > eps then hit = t exit function else t = b + det if t > eps then hit = t exit function else hit = 0 end if end if end function end function ''color math sub torgb kl r = int( kl and 255 ) / 256 g = int( kl/256 and 255 ) / 256 b = int( kl/256^2 and 255 ) / 256 call v3d r , g , b end sub function rgb( r , g , b ) rgb = r+g*256+b*256^2 end function ''vertor math sub v3d x , y , z ''constructor v.x = x v.y = y v.z = z end sub sub add a,b,c,d,e,f call v3d a+d,b+e,c+f end sub sub minus a,b,c,d,e,f call v3d a-d,b-e,c-f end sub sub mul a,b,c,d call v3d a*d,b*d,c*d end sub sub mult a,b,c,d,e,f call v3d a*d,b*e,c*f end sub function dot(a,b,c,d,e,f) dot=a*d+b*e+c*f end function sub cross ax,ay,az,bx,by,bz call v3d ay*bz-az*by,az*bx-ax*bz,ax*by-ay*bx end sub sub norm a,b,c l=sqr(a^2+b^2+c^2) call mul a,b,c,1/l end sub
global trimax , size trimax = 10 size = 200 dim tri(trimax,13) , pnt(255,3) WindowWidth = DisplayWidth WindowHeight = DisplayHeight global winx , winy winx = WindowWidth winy = WindowHeight for i = 0 to trimax for t = 0 to 2 call point t,range(0-size,size) _ ,range(0-size,size) _ ,range(0,size) next t call tri i , 0,1,2 , int(rnd(0)*(2^24-1)) , 0 next i open "ray triangles" for graphics as #m #m "trapclose [quit]" for x = 0 - size to size for y = 0 - size to size scan kl = ray( 0,0,0-size , x/size,y/size,1) #m "goto ";x+winx/2;" ";winy/2-y #m "down" r = kl and 255 g = int( kl / 256 ) and 255 b = int( kl / 256 ^ 2 ) and 255 #m "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b #m "set ";x+winx/2;" ";winy/2-y #m "up" next y next x notice "ready !!" wait [quit] close #m end function ray( ox,oy,oz , dx,dy,dz ) id = -1 distmin = 1e9 for i = 0 to trimax dist = trihit( i , ox,oy,oz , dx,dy,dz ) if dist < distmin and dist > 0 then distmin = dist id = i end if next i if id >= 0 then ray = tri( id , 12 ) end if ray = 0 end function function rgb( r , g , b ) r = r and 255 g = g and 255 b = b and 255 rgb = r + g * 256 + b * 256 ^ 2 end function function range( l , h ) range = rnd(0) * ( h - l ) + l end function function trihit( no , px,py,pz , dx,dy,dz ) v0x = tri(no,0) v0y = tri(no,1) v0z = tri(no,2) v1x = tri(no,3) v1y = tri(no,4) v1z = tri(no,5) v2x = tri(no,6) v2y = tri(no,7) v2z = tri(no,8) call vsub e1x,e1y,e1z , v1x,v1y,v1z , v0x,v0y,v0z call vsub e2x,e2y,e2z , v2x,v2y,v2z , v0x,v0y,v0z call vcross hx,hy,hz , dx,dy,dz , e2x,e2y,e2z a = dot( e1x,e1y,e1z , hx,hy,hz ) if abs( a ) < 1e-9 then trihit = -1 end if f = 1 / a call vsub sx,sy,sz , px,py,pz , v0x,v0y,v0z u = f * dot( sx,sy,sz , hx,hy,hz ) if u < 0 or u > 1 then trihit = -1 end if call vcross qx,qy,qz , sx,sy,sz , e1x,e1y,e1z v = f * dot( dx,dy,dz , qx,qy,qz ) if v < 0 or v > 1 then trihit = -1 end if t = f * dot( e2x,e2y,e2z , qx,qy,qz ) if t > 1e-9 then trihit = t else trihit = -1 end if end function sub point no , x,y,z pnt(no,0)=x pnt(no,1)=y pnt(no,2)=z end sub sub tri no , p1 , p2 , p3 , kl , t tri(no,0)=pnt(p1,0) tri(no,1)=pnt(p1,1) tri(no,2)=pnt(p1,2) tri(no,3)=pnt(p2,0) tri(no,4)=pnt(p2,1) tri(no,5)=pnt(p2,2) tri(no,6)=pnt(p3,0) tri(no,7)=pnt(p3,1) tri(no,8)=pnt(p3,2) x1=pnt(p2,0)-pnt(p1,0) x2=pnt(p3,0)-pnt(p1,0) y1=pnt(p2,1)-pnt(p1,1) y2=pnt(p3,1)-pnt(p1,1) z1=pnt(p2,2)-pnt(p1,2) z2=pnt(p3,2)-pnt(p1,2) call vcross x,y,z , x1,y1,z1 , x2,y2,z2 tri(no,9)=x tri(no,10)=y tri(no,11)=z tri(no,12)=kl tri(no,13)=t end sub function dot( ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz ) dot = ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz end function function vlen( x,y,z ) vlen = sqr( dot( x,y,z , x,y,z ) ) end function sub reflect byref x,byref y,byref z , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz d = dot( ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz ) call vadd cx,cy,cz , bx,by,bz , bx,by,bz call vscale cx,cy,cz , d call vsub x,y,z , cx,cy,cz , ax,ay,az end sub sub v3normal byref x,byref y,byref z _ , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz , cx,cy,cz call vsub dx,dy,dz , bx,by,bz , ax,ay,az call vsub ex,ey,ez , cx,cy,cz , ax,ay,az call enormal x,y,z , ex,ey,ez , dx,dy,dz end sub sub enormal byref x,byref y,byref z , ax, , bx,by,bz call vcross x,y,z , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz call vnormal x,y,z , x,y,z end sub sub vnormal byref x,byref y,byref z , a,b,c l = dot( a,b,c , a,b,c ) if l > 1e-6 then l2 = sqr( l ) call vmul x,y,z , a,b,c , 1/l2 end if end sub sub vadd byref x,byref y,byref z , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz x = ax + bx y = ay + by z = az + bz end sub sub vsub byref x,byref y,byref z , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz x = ax - bx y = ay - by z = az - bz end sub sub vscale byref x,byref y,byref z , d x = x * d y = y * d z = z * d end sub sub vmul byref x , byref y , byref z , a,b,c , d x = a * d y = b * d z = c * d end sub sub vcross byref x,byref y,byref z , ax,ay,az , bx,by,bz x = ay * bz - az * by y = az * bx - ax * bz z = ax * by - ay * bx end sub