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Odie, Odie, cha cha cha.


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xx LZW Compression/DeCompression
« Thread started on: Mar 13th, 2015, 01:06am »

Here is an example of lossless Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression and decompression for Liberty BASIC that I've lifted verbatim from my post on The LB Forums.

The encoder features variable-bit output, a 12 to 21 bit rotating dictionary (that can also be set to "Static"), and an unbalanced binary search tree that assures a worst-case-scenario maximum of 256 searches to find any given index, regardless of the dictionary's size (though it usually takes no more than 4 or 5). This program was written for use in my JustDATA File Embedder, so it's fully compatible with Just BASIC. It directly follows the methodology described in an excellent web article by Juha Nieminen entitled An efficient LZW implementation. I'd also call his article elegant.

I've added a settings-byte to the beginning of the file that retains the maximum bit-width and rotating statis of the dictionary. After encoding, the program will auto-correct this byte to the minimum settings needed to extract the file if you overestimate (for example: you set a 20bit rotating dictionary, and the dictionary only makes it to 14 bits, therefore never resetting; so the encoder changes the settings to "14bit, Static").
I've also retained the debug routines to print the encoding/decoding dictionaries if one would like to check the encoder for accuracy.

Please feel free to use, abuse, modify, or correct any of the following code. I've posted it here and on Rosetta Code.

I've had to place the decoder in the second post, due to the size of the following Code:
 DIM LZW(1, 1)
 DIM JDlzw(1)
 DIM JDch$(1)
 LET maxBits = 20          ' maximum bit width of the dictionary: minimum=12; maximum=21
 LET resetDictionary = 1   ' flag to reset the dictionary when it gets full: 1=TRUE; 0=FALSE
 LET printDictionary = 0   ' output encoding and decoding dictionaries to files
 LET maxChunkSize = 2 ^ 14 ' maximum size of the data buffer
 LET dSize = 2 ^ maxBits   ' maximum dictionary size
 LET JDext$ = ".lzw"       ' file extension used for created archives
 FILEDIALOG "Select a file to test LZW...", "*.*", inputName$
 IF inputName$ = "" THEN END
 DO ' get fullPath\ and fileName.ext
    P = X
    X = INSTR(inputName$, "\", (X + 1))
 filePath$ = LEFT$(inputName$, P)
 fileName$ = MID$(inputName$, (P + 1))
 DO ' get fileName and .ext
    P = X
    X = INSTR(fileName$, ".", (X + 1))
 fileExt$ = MID$(fileName$, P)
 fileName$ = LEFT$(fileName$, (P - 1))

 GOSUB [lzwEncode]
 GOSUB [lzwDecode]


' Start LZW Encoder ''''''''''''''''''''
 REDIM LZW(dSize, 4)
 LET EMPTY=-1:PREFIX=0:BYTE=1:FIRST=2:LESS=3:MORE=4:bmxCorrect=1
 LET bitsRemain=0:remainIndex=0:tagCount=0:currentBitSize=8:fileTag$=""
 FOR dNext = 0 TO 255                                       ' initialize dictionary for LZW
 '  LZW(dNext, PREFIX) = EMPTY                              ' prefix index of '<index>' <B>
 '  LZW(dNext, BYTE)   = dNext                              ' byte value of <index> '<B>'
    LZW(dNext, FIRST)  = EMPTY                              ' first index to use <index><B> as prefix
 '  LZW(dNext, LESS)   = EMPTY                              ' lesser index of binary search tree for <B>
 '  LZW(dNext, MORE)   = EMPTY                              ' greater index of binary search tree for <B>
 NEXT dNext
 OPEN inputName$ FOR INPUT AS #lzwIN
 IF LOF(#lzwIN) < 2 THEN
    CLOSE #lzwIN
 OPEN fileName$ + fileExt$ + JDext$ FOR OUTPUT AS #lzwOUT
 GOSUB [StartFileChunk]
 chnkPoint = 1
 IF maxBits < 12 THEN maxBits = 12
 IF maxBits > 21 THEN maxBits = 21
 settings = maxBits - 12                                    ' setting for dictionary size; 1st decimal +12
 IF resetDictionary THEN settings = settings + 100          ' setting for dictionary type; 2nd decimal even=static, odd=adaptive
 #lzwOUT, CHR$(settings);                                   ' save settings as 1st byte of output
 orgIndex = ASC(LEFT$(fileChunk$, 1))                       ' read 1st byte into <index>
 WHILE fileChunk$ <> ""                                     ' while the buffer is not empty
    DO                                                      ' begin the main encoder loop
        chnkPoint = chnkPoint + 1
        savIndex = FIRST                                    ' initialize the save-to index
        prvIndex = orgIndex                                 ' initialize the previous index in search
        newByte = ASC(MID$(fileChunk$, chnkPoint, 1))       ' read <B>
        dSearch = LZW(orgIndex, FIRST)                      ' first search index for this <index> in the dictionary
        WHILE (dSearch > EMPTY)                             ' while <index> is present in the dictionary
            IF LZW(dSearch, BYTE) = newByte THEN EXIT WHILE ' if <index><B> is found
            IF newByte < LZW(dSearch, BYTE) THEN            ' else if new <B> is less than <index><B>
                savIndex = LESS                             ' follow lesser binary tree
                savIndex = MORE                             ' else follow greater binary tree
            END IF
            prvIndex = dSearch                              ' set previous <index>
            dSearch = LZW(dSearch, savIndex)                ' read next search <index> from binary tree
        IF dSearch = EMPTY THEN                             ' if <index><B> was not found in the dictionary
            GOSUB [WriteIndex]                              ' write <index> to the output
            IF dNext < dSize THEN                           ' save <index><B> into the dictionary
                LZW(prvIndex, savIndex) = dNext
                LZW(dNext, PREFIX) = orgIndex
                LZW(dNext, BYTE)   = newByte
                LZW(dNext, FIRST)  = EMPTY
                LZW(dNext, LESS)   = EMPTY
                LZW(dNext, MORE)   = EMPTY
                IF dNext = (2 ^ currentBitSize) THEN currentBitSize = currentBitSize + 1
                dNext = dNext + 1
            ELSE                                            ' else reset the dictionary... or maybe not
                IF resetDictionary THEN
                    GOSUB [PrintEncode]
                    REDIM LZW(dSize, 4)
                    FOR dNext = 0 TO 255
                        LZW(dNext, FIRST)  = EMPTY
                    NEXT dNext
                    currentBitSize = 8
                    bmxCorrect = 0
                END IF
            END IF
            orgIndex = newByte                              ' set <index> = <B>
        ELSE                                                ' if <index><B> was found in the dictionary,
            orgIndex = dSearch                              ' then set <index> = <index><B>
        END IF
    LOOP WHILE chnkPoint < chunk                            ' loop until the chunk has been processed
    GOSUB [GetFileChunk]                                    ' refill the buffer
 WEND                                                       ' loop until the buffer is empty
 GOSUB [WriteIndex]
 IF bitsRemain > 0 THEN #lzwOUT, CHR$(remainIndex);
 IF bmxCorrect THEN ' correct the settings, if needed
    IF (currentBitSize < maxBits) OR resetDictionary THEN
        IF currentBitSize < 12 THEN currentBitSize = 12
        OPEN fileName$ + fileExt$ + JDext$ FOR BINARY AS #lzwOUT
        #lzwOUT, CHR$(currentBitSize - 12);
        CLOSE #lzwOUT
    END IF
 GOSUB [PrintEncode]
 REDIM LZW(1, 1)

 X = orgIndex                             ' add remaining bits to input
 IF bitsRemain > 0 THEN X = remainIndex + (X * (2 ^ bitsRemain))
 bitsRemain = bitsRemain + currentBitSize ' add current bit size to output stack
 WHILE bitsRemain > 7                     ' if 8 or more bits are to be written
    #lzwOUT, CHR$(X MOD 256);             ' attatch lower 8 bits to output string
    X = INT(X / 256)                      ' shift input value down by 2^8
    bitsRemain = bitsRemain - 8           ' adjust counters
 remainIndex = X                          ' retain trailing bits for next write

' End LZW Encoder ''''''''''''''''''''''

 sizeOfFile = LOF(#lzwIN)    ' set EOF marker
 bytesRemaining = sizeOfFile ' set EOF counter
 chunk = maxChunkSize        ' set max buffer size
 fileChunk$ = ""
 IF bytesRemaining < 1 THEN RETURN
 IF chunk > bytesRemaining THEN chunk = bytesRemaining
 bytesRemaining = bytesRemaining - chunk
 fileChunk$ = INPUT$(#lzwIN, chunk)
 chnkPoint = 0

 IF printDictionary < 1 THEN RETURN
 OPEN "Encode_" + fileTag$ + fileName$ + ".txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #dictOUT
 FOR X = 0 TO 255
    LZW(X, BYTE)   = X
 FOR X = dNext TO 0 STEP -1
    tmpIndex = X
    tmp$ = CHR$(LZW(tmpIndex, BYTE))
        tmpIndex = LZW(tmpIndex, PREFIX)
        tmp$ = CHR$(LZW(tmpIndex, BYTE)) + tmp$
    #dictOUT, X; ":"; tmp$
 tagCount = tagCount + 1
 fileTag$ = STR$(tagCount) + "_"

 IF printDictionary < 1 THEN RETURN
 OPEN "Decode_" + fileTag$ + fileName$ + ".txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #dictOUT
 FOR X = dNext TO 0 STEP -1
    tmpIndex = X
    tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex)
    WHILE JDlzw(tmpIndex) > EMPTY
        tmpIndex = JDlzw(tmpIndex)
        tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex) + tmp$
    #dictOUT, X; ":"; tmp$
 tagCount = tagCount + 1
 fileTag$ = STR$(tagCount) + "_"
« Last Edit: Mar 13th, 2015, 01:21am by CirothUngol » User IP Logged

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Odie, Odie, cha cha cha.


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Posts: 44
xx Re: LZW Compression/DeCompression
« Reply #1 on: Mar 13th, 2015, 01:08am »

...and to add the decompressor, just tack on this Code:
' Start LZW Decoder ''''''''''''''''''''
 LET EMPTY=-1:bitsRemain=0:tagCount=0:fileTag$=""
 OPEN fileName$ + fileExt$ + JDext$ FOR INPUT AS #lzwIN
 OPEN fileName$ + ".Copy" + fileExt$ FOR OUTPUT AS #lzwOUT
 GOSUB [StartFileChunk]
 chnkPoint = 2
 settings = ASC(fileChunk$)
 maxBits  = VAL(RIGHT$(STR$(settings), 1)) + 12
 dSize = 2 ^ maxBits
 IF settings > 99 THEN resetDictionary = 1
 oldIndex = orgIndex
 WHILE fileChunk$ <> ""
    ' decode current index and write to file
    GOSUB [GetIndex]
    IF JDch$(orgIndex) = "" THEN
        tmpIndex = oldIndex
        tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex)
        WHILE JDlzw(tmpIndex) > EMPTY
            tmpIndex = JDlzw(tmpIndex)
            tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex) + tmp$
        tmp$ = tmp$ + LEFT$(tmp$, 1)
        tmpIndex = orgIndex
        tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex)
        WHILE JDlzw(tmpIndex) > EMPTY
            tmpIndex = JDlzw(tmpIndex)
            tmp$ = JDch$(tmpIndex) + tmp$
    END IF
    #lzwOUT, tmp$;
    ' add next dictionary entry or reset dictionary
    IF dNext < dSize THEN
        JDlzw(dNext) = oldIndex
        JDch$(dNext) = LEFT$(tmp$, 1)
        dNext = dNext + 1
        IF dNext = (2 ^ currentBitSize) THEN
            IF maxBits > currentBitSize THEN
                currentBitSize = currentBitSize + 1
                IF resetDictionary THEN
                    GOSUB [PrintDecode]
                    GOSUB [ResetLZW]
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF
    oldIndex = orgIndex
 GOSUB [PrintDecode]
 REDIM JDlzw(1)
 REDIM JDch$(1)

 byteCount = 0:orgIndex = 0
 bitsToGrab = currentBitSize - bitsRemain
 IF bitsRemain > 0 THEN
    orgIndex = lastByte
    byteCount = 1
 WHILE bitsToGrab > 0
    lastByte = ASC(MID$(fileChunk$, chnkPoint, 1))
    orgIndex = orgIndex + (lastByte * (2 ^ (byteCount * 8)))
    IF chnkPoint = chunk THEN GOSUB [GetFileChunk]
    chnkPoint = chnkPoint + 1
    byteCount = byteCount + 1
    bitsToGrab = bitsToGrab - 8
 IF bitsRemain > 0 THEN orgIndex = orgIndex / (2 ^ (8 - bitsRemain))
 orgIndex = orgIndex AND ((2 ^ currentBitSize) - 1)
 bitsRemain = bitsToGrab * (-1)

 REDIM JDlzw(dSize)
 REDIM JDch$(dSize)
 FOR dNext = 0 TO 255
    JDlzw(dNext) = EMPTY       ' Prefix index
    JDch$(dNext) = CHR$(dNext) ' New byte value
 NEXT dNext
 currentBitSize = 8
 GOSUB [GetIndex]
 #lzwOUT, JDch$(orgIndex);
 currentBitSize = 9

' End LZW Decoder ''''''''''''''''''''''
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