LB4 can input several values, such as a CDF:
How about a counterpart to create a CDF?
print() #file, a$,b$,c$...
where the parens enclose the delimiter character; perhaps a comma would be the default.
The second thing would be some way of denoting fields in a sequential file. Could the Field statement from random files be used somehow? Could a sequential record be read into a structure?
Harking back to the COBOL I used to use:
01 NamAdrsRecord.
05 nam$
10 last$ len 10
10 first$ len 10
05 adrs$
10 city$ len 20
10 state$ len 2
10 zip$
15 zip5 len5
15 zip4 len4
The other COBOL feature that comes to mind is 'redefines'
I know most of this is unrealistic, but for a wish list...