LB made me lazy - I use the mainwin to write long datasets, and if it's what I want then I save it. Previously in a DOS Basic I had 50 lines, so I would have to write to a file, shell out or switch windows to view the file. LBB has a mainwin with 84 lines, so it occurred to me to use a text window. Works great, and only adds 5 lines of code.
Code:open "Test" for text as #te
#te "!trapclose [Done]"
'Put your code here
x = time$("ms") 'Just do something...
for i = 1 to 500
print #te using("###", i); " Hello, World!"
next i
print "Done ";time$("ms") - x;" ms"
EDIT: Note to self - the mainwin can be copied to the clipboard by pressing ctrl + Tab...